Building the Dream Home, Affordable DIY Steel Frame Homes

FrameUpNow – a PRADU 4 U FrameUpNow Light Gauge Steel skeletons, or frames, can be produced from and for any ADU and PRADU plans you discover. Research the plans available in the area of your residence or interest. The process is simple:

1. Find a plan that fits your requirements and is available as an A ccessory D welling U nit – ADU or P ermit R eady A ccessory D welling U nit – PRADU . 2. Acquire the plan from the sponsoring jurisdiction. Many jurisdictions will provide the plan at no cost to you. 3. Send us the plan.

4. We will engineer a metal skeleton, superior to a traditional wood frame. Your steel plan will be structurally engineered and carry an IBC stamp, honored in any jurisdiction anywhere in the world. 5. Place an order for the skeleton, and we will ship it to you ready to erect. Your ADU frame can be erected in just three days. 6. It is that easy! Your skeleton will be impervious to weather, fire -resistant, and not susceptible to mold. You could own this Temecula one-bed, one-bath, 625-square-foot home complete with foundation, skeleton and every finishing touch for just under $79,000.


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