BYLAW 3 from NEA Constitution and Bylaws
2025 NEA RA Delegate Information
section shall apply only in those states where the state affiliate has determined that it shall be applicable.
affiliate shall be based on the ration of 1:150 School Nurse members so denied. g. It is the policy of the Association to achieve ethnic-minority delegate representation at least equal to the proposition of identified ethnic minority population within the state. Prior to December 1 of each fiscal year, each state affiliate shall submit to the NEA Executive Committee for its approval a legally permissible plan which is designed to achieve a total state and local delegation to the Representative Assembly held that fiscal year which reflects these ethnic minority proportions. If a state affiliate fails to submit such a plan, the NEA Executive Committee fails to approve a plan which is submitted, or a state affiliate fails to comply with an approved plan, the Representative Assembly may deny to the delegates from the state affiliate any right to participate in the NEA Representative Assembly at the Annual Meeting other than to (i) participants in elections for Association officers and (ii) vote on increases in Association membership dues. Local affiliates shall comply with the approved plan of the state affiliate, and if a local affiliate fails to do so, the rights of its delegates to participate in the NEA Representative Assembly at the Annual Meeting may be limited as indicated above. The failure of a state or local affiliate to comply with the provisions of the Bylaw shall in addition be grounds for censure, suspension, or expulsion pursuant to Bylaw 6-5. h. Allocation of delegates to higher education members denied active membership in local affiliates shall be based on the ratio of 1:150 higher education members so denied. The state affiliate shall determine the most appropriate unit for this purpose. i. Allocation of delegates to Active members employed in educational support positions who are denied active membership in local affiliates shall be based on the ratio of 1:150 such members so denied. j. Allocation for category 2 delegates in local units which have all-inclusive membership shall allow for clustering with category 2 members from other local units. In such local units, category 2 members shall not be counted in allocation for category 1 delegates. Delegates for clustered category 2 members shall be based on the ratio of 1:150. This
a. Allocation of delegate credentials to state and local affiliates shall be on the basis of Active membership in the Association as of January 15 of the calendar year in which the Representative Assembly convenes. Representation from state and local affiliates which provide all-inclusive membership shall be on the basis of proportional representation by education position. Representation from state and local affiliates which include in their membership more than one (1) of the three (3) job categories eligible for Association Active membership (e.g., non- supervisory Active members in pre-kindergarten through secondary instructional positions, or higher education faculty positions) may, at the option of the state and local affiliates, be on the basis of proportional representation by job category. A delegate elected to represent an affiliate shall be a member of that affiliate, provided that if additional delegate positions are allocated to a state affiliate on the basis of Active members of the Association within a state who are not also members of the state affiliate only the latter members may be elected to such additional delegate positions. b. Article III of the NEA Constitution shall provide for the allocation of delegate credentials to local affiliates. Local Affiliates are allocated 1 delegate for every 150 Active members or major fraction thereof. c. Article III of the NEA Constitution shall provide for the allocation of delegate credentials to state affiliates. State Affiliates are allocated 1 delegate for every 1,000 Active members. d. Each state affiliate shall be allocated one (1) delegate credential for the first fifty (50) Student members of the Association. The state affiliate shall receive a second credential when Student membership in the state reaches seven hundred fifty (750) and an additional credential for each five hundred (500) Student members thereafter. The allocation shall be on the basis of Student membership in the association of March 15 of the calendar year to which the Representative Assembly convenes. e. Allocation of delegate credentials for Retired members of the Association within each state shall be made to state affiliates based on the ratio of 1:50 for the first 50 Retired members and an additional delegate for each 1,000 Retired members thereafter. f. Allocation of delegates to School Nurse membership denied Active membership in local
Local Association Delegate Elections To conduct elections for delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly, GAE locals must do the following: • Schedule and publicize the election of NEA local delegates far enough in advance to ensure meeting the deadline for reporting local NEA delegates to GAE by April 10th. • Delegate allocations are sent to Local Association Presidents via the email address on file by January 31. • It is expected that locals will make every effort to see that minorities are among local delegates elected to the Annual NEA Convention. • Put in place the logistics for handling the election of NEA local delegates — i.e. online, at a general meeting, or through the dissemination of ballots to your members, ensuring that only members vote, procedures for collecting ballots from various voting sites, tallying the election results and sending to GAE Headquarters by April 10th. • Be sure to give special attention to eligibility requirements and election procedures. The timelines established are absolutes and your membership should be advised accordingly. • Be sure to elect successor delegates also. You cannot appoint a successor delegate should your delegates find it impossible to attend the NEA Convention. If you have any questions about the NEA Delegate Elections procedures, please contact by email at gaeelections@gae.org
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