Digital Projects in International Youth Work

In the context of experience made with digital formats in other youth work fields during the pandemic, it has been shown that there is specific potential in the long- term integration of digital elements in international youth work activities. In some other fields, the expiry of restrictions on distancing and travel due to Covid-19 has occasioned a return to the previous state of affairs; when it comes to international youth work, the situation is quite different. The amount of time that young people spend in contact with one another during an internatio- nal exchange or trip is by its very nature already limited – time that all interviewees felt was significant and in - dispensable. However, this limited time can be exten - ded by means of digital elements, whether that is in the run-up to (preparation) or after an activity (debriefing), in meetings among experts or team leaders, and even meetings with the young participants. The results of the study, along with the above hypo - theses and success factors, clearly indicate that suc - cessful digital formats require due care and attention. In digital settings, the principles fundamental to inter - national youth work, such as voluntariness, the host principle and intercultural dialogue, must be carefully and deliberately planned and shaped. In this context, it is vital to incorporate activating methods that go be - yond what was observed in the classic online meeting and presentation settings witnessed during this study. The success factors and results summarised above re - present an evidence-based foundation upon which to adapt and evolve international youth work. They can serve as a backdrop for work in the following areas: • Continued development of quality criteria for digi - tal international youth work formats • Adaptation of funding schemes and funding crite - ria for digital international youth work • Development of a methodology and pedagogy for digital international youth work • Training on digital formats for experts.


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