Q. Long Beach, Calif. — “You said there are Three Persons in the Trini ty, and it made me sad." A. Why should such a wonderful truth be something to make you sor rowful? God is one God, eternally manifested in Three Persons — Fa ther, Son, and Holy Spirit. These Three are the same in power, sub stance and glory. This should really thrill our hearts. While in our finite minds we cannot comprehend the Trinity, yet, by faith, we can accept it as a glorious reality. Certainly it is taught in the Word of God. It might also be well to point out that there is absolutely no jealousy be tween the members of the Godhead. We needn’t become so bound with the form of prayer that we forget the natural spontaneity that should come. Remember, God looks upon the heart. See Matthew 3:16-17 where the Three Persons are present. Q. Providence, R.l----- “I would like to ask where in the Bible it says that a nation shall be 'born in a day.’ I have been told that it is found in Scripture.” A. This is a familiar quotation, based upon Isaiah 66:8. This speaks of the time of great tribulation, following the rapture of the Church, when, before the millennial reign of Christ, Israel will experience great and ter rible judgment. This will be the ful fillment of such passages as Romans 11:25-27. If you have a new Scofield
Bible, you will find the note on page 768 very helpful. Here we find re vealed the supernatural plan of God. Christ was born historically long be fore the tribulation, but when Is rael’s time of travail arrives, she will repent and her glory as a nation shall be seen world-wide. Q. (Ed. note: Because of the nature of the letter, city is deleted and ques tion is paraphrased.) “A s a person about 25 years of age, I have expe rienced many trials. When ju st a baby, I was very ill and never able to have all of the schooling others received. Physical ailments continue to plague me and yet I have a real desire to serve the Lord on the mis sion field. Vve prayed to that end for a long time. Do you think it unwise and foolish on my part to pray to this end?” A. Our hearts go out to people who find themselves in such a position. It is sad to realize that those who are able don’t seem interested in going to the mission field while those who really want to go have no opportuni ty. There is one important principle to keep in mind, and that is that God doesn’t want every one to go to the mission field or into some specific type of Christian ministry. He does want each of us to be willing to serve in whatever way and wherever He might desire. God cannot use frus trated people who have problems with health, finances, family or other trou bles. Paul knew the importance of being content in whatever state he 11
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