Then my mind went ahead, a billion, billion years, and I knew there would be no end, and once more that little chill wind of fear began to blow. And God asked me again, ‘Are you afraid?’ And I answered, ‘A little, because I cannot understand how there can be no end.’ So God asked me tenderly, ‘Are you afraid now, today, with your hand in Mine?’ I looked up at Him and smiled and replied, ‘Oh, my Father, noT And God said, ‘Every day in eternity will be today.’ — Martha Snell Nicholson A D E M O N ’S L E T T E R My dear fellow Brimstone: I met your friend Diabolos at a prayer meet ing the other day. He was telling me that you were greatly disturbed over the fresh stirring he had noted at the Bible Conference. To some extent I share your concern. I t’s certainly no trivial matter when God’s people begin to start praying for revival. That word sends shivers down my spine! My pur pose in writing is to suggest some posi tive action which may hinder if not prevent revival altogether. First, let’s get as many of God’s people as possible talking about revi val. Does that surprise you? Well, as long as they think that’s all that’s re quired of them—just talk — we’ve noth ing to worry about. I break out in a cold sweat when I hear one of God’s people earnestly praying for revival and ask ing God to have Him start it with him. Have you ever known the Lord to turn anyone away? What we’ll need to do is to try to sidetrack Christians into other things. This can be fairly easy in many in stances. So many of them are satisfied with rousing rallies and crusades. Let them attend as many as possible. Be sure they organize and committee them selves until all their time and strength is gone. We might allow one or two to No meal is complete without a portion from the Bread of Life.
go over to the right side. Does that shock you? We can take comfort in that phrase some of God’s people use at the end of a campaign. I t’s after spending much time and money, when only a single individual goes forward. It’s like sweet music when I hear them say, “Well, it was worth it, even for one.” Yes, just one! Again, I would suggest we make a bit of capital out of those of H is people who are seeking revival. Some of them have stopped evangelizing altogether. Doesn’t that cheer your heart? It does mine. When I first had news of it, I could hardly believe my ears. Just think, they’re stopped preaching the bad news. (How they can call it good news is beyond me.) I t’s evident most of the people who say they’re Christians have forgotten God’s instructions to go into all of the world and preach the Gospel. That’s all the better for us. Continue to keep the heathen in darkness. I t ’s at the moment so-called believers see that they ought to evangelize and earnestly pray for revival that we’re done for. Well, I must close now. Time is short! There’8 much work to be done. Do your best, Brimstone! And don’t think that you’re going to squelch this desire for revival. Some of God’s people do seem to be in complete earnest. Yours for the destruction of men’s souls, Sulphos
One of Biota's male quartets was featured at the graduation banquet held in the gymnasium. The fellows, accompanied by Mr. Dave Lehmann, were actively involved in church work and youth con ferences throughout the year. Pictured from left to right are Jim Ladd, Paul Davis, Rex Smith, and Jerry Reub. 21
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