Biola Broadcaster - 1969-08

it is growing old. They say, “We do not want to be a bother to anybody, yet we seem so helpless.” But of the new, resurrection body, which one day will be the possession of every believer in Jesus Christ, there will always be sufficient power, equal to all of the requirements of eternal life to come. In that day we will never grow weary, become exhausted, or grow frail because of lack of strength. How wonderful it is to know that the power wrought in the Lord’s body when He was raised from the dead is the very same pow­ er that is at work in the Christian’s life. And this power not only raised Him from the dead, but also exalted Him to the right hand of God (Eph. 1:21-23). We cannot begin to com­ prehend just how this truth really is. You see, this same power will work in the believer’s body, not only to raise it from the dead, but also to bring it into the likeness of Christ’s own glorious body. The final consideration in contrast found in I Corinthians 15 reminds us that “There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body” (Vrs. 44). Of this testimony Dr. Robert L. Moyer has said “. . . that the Spirit of God makes these present bodies His temple while they are here upon the earth. He will have full possession of the new body, and it will be fully adapted to the new heavenly environment even in a far greater sense than this present body is adapted to this present environ­ ment.” In spite of all the changes to be wrought in this human flesh of ours, individuality will not be lost. We know that supernatural changes, beyond finite comprehension, will take place, and with this face we know that every person will receive a body fitted to his own personality. The same body that he had will be raised again, but this time it will be glorified and perfected. The inevitable conclusion is that the believer will not only live, but

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