also will be his own true self in the life to come. Who dare to say that this is true of him now? He cannot be his best self here on Earth. There is too much wrong with all about us, as well as ourselves. In the resurrec tion body all imperfections will have been completely and forever removed. There will be nothing to hinder him. How reassuring it is to know, as each is given his own body, that we can find our satisfaction is a body throughout the countless ages of eternity likened to Christ’s own glo rified body. It will be a tremendous moment of triumphant victory. It is our fervent hope and prayer that you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour so that His blessed reality may be your per manent possession. Happiness is the one important com modity of life which will multiply by dividing. Character is determined by what you stand for while reputation is based upon what you fall for.
YOU can make this possible through a TRUSTEE ACCOUNT AGREEMENT with BIOLA. With such an AGREEMENT, BIOLA is made beneficiary covering funds deposit ed in a bank or savings and loan by the donor. Complete control of the funds is re tained by the donor during his lifetime. At donor’s death, remaining funds would be distributed as provided in the AGREE MENT. For more detailed information con cerning a TRUSTEE ACCOUNT AGREE MENT, without obligation, please com plete and mail coupon to BIOLA. (A FREE brochure, STEWARDSHIP OPPOR TUNITIES, describing o t h e r B I O L A AGREEMENT PLANS, is available upon request.) Yes, I would like to receive additional information concerning BIOLA'S TRUS TEE ACCOUNT AGREEMENT PLAN. Mr. Mrs. Miss ................................................. (Check one) Address ............................................. .
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BIOLA SCHOOLS and COLLEGES, INC. 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif. 90638
At Biota’s commencement exercises, a Doctor of Literature degree was awarded to Mr. Al Sanders, Vice President of Public Relations and Radio voice over "The Biola Hour.” Congratulating Mr. Sanders is Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor of Biola Schools and Colleges. Dr. Talbot began the radio ministry more than 31/2 decades ago.
In Canada:
BIOLA ASSOCIATION OF CANADA P.0. Box 3013, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
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