Board Converting News, May 29, 2023

Widera Publishes (CONT’D FROM PAGE 1)

On the topic of Entrepreneurs in the Tech Trenches (page 16), Widera expounds on the cliché, “In the future, you’ll only need a person and a dog to run a ‘lights out’ factory: the dog to make sure the slumbering person ob- serves but doesn’t touch anything and that person to feed the savvy dog.” On Collaboration Versus Competition (page 60), he opens with the line, “Competition is a lot like cod liver oil. First it makes you sick. Then it makes you better.” You’ll have to read the rest of the piece to understand that the future of “old guard” organizations depends on their abil-

His preface says that he and his son “think like master carpet weavers, interlacing many business loose ends into a rich tapestry that improves karma and the exceptional VALUES of endless troves of products entrepreneurs pro- vide.” The success of CalBox Group and the “tapestry” it has

woven makes it difficult to present a defensible argument to the con- trary. Widera’s emphasis on the en- trepreneurial spirit is indeed woven throughout the short yet compelling “chapters” as foundational to finan- cial success in the corrugated in- dustry and for that matter, any other industry.

ity to find a dazzling array of ways to compete. Adds John’s son Chris, “The CalBox Groups’ associates are focused on the future, but not a blind eye to ostensibly squashing compe- tition of the past.” On the topic of Pricing Decisions (page 84), Widera writes, “When the will of the price setter comes in con-

John Widera

“Competing with Corporate Sharks in a Crisis” is divid- ed into three major distinct sections – Principles, Manage- ment, and Best Practices – and each of the three is divided into several subsections (mini-lessons) covering the many facets of running a successful corrugated box business. Colorful and visually appealing, virtually every section con- tains visual imagery and illustrations that enlighten, edu- cate and entertain the reader. There is no way to give away too much of the book’s “guts” in this short article to render it unreadable, so a few “teasers” should serve to wet the thirsty palate. BCN(US)202002(o)(出血5mm).pdf 1 2021/2/6 上午 09:19:31

Chris Widera

flict with imagination or perception, self-interest carries the day” and “In selling quality value-added items, using a bid- ding process based solely on the lowest price can lead to disappointment.” And of course, Widera takes ample space to elaborate on one of his favorite topics, that being the relationship and existential competition among “corporate sharks” –










24 May 29, 2023

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