VFTV 6-15-22

Valley Briefs

Table of Contents PAGE 3 — Valley Briefs PAGE 4 — Warriors Baseball Hit Nationals PAGE 7 — WVC Archery Wins Gold PAGE 9 — Commencement Ceremony PAGE 11 — Campus Events PAGE 12 — Faculty Bio PAGE 13 — Giving Information

Brenda Phegley left WVC this Spring for retirement. Sandra Craig and Jane Owen will also retire this summer. Between the 3 women there was more than 3/4 of a century of work at WVC!

Three WVC Employees Set to Retire

Mrs. Willis, the Assistant Volleyball Coach at WVC, resigned early in the Spring semester. After a lengthy search, WVC has hired Stephanie Reid-Noe as the new Assistant Coach.

WVC Volleyball Hires New Coaches

WVC’s solar array has now produced more than 81.37 MWh of energy and saved more than 126,000 pounds of CO2! This reduction is equivalent to nearly 1K trees being planted!

Solar Savings Update

“A quality education grants us the ability to fight the war on ignorance and poverty.”

“To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”

— Charles Rangel

— Theodore Roosevelt

2 / View from the Valley

View from the Valley / 3

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