Register 2020

BA Evans German Embassy Prize ML Gath Trophy for Services to Water Polo MJ Gibb AE Flower Prize for Science

EJ Manera Prize for Photography ZRH May Cup for Best Senior Player in the 1st XI Hockey Prize for Physical Education TE McClean Hare Memorial Prize for Best All- rounder in the 1st XI Cricket Jeremy Stamers-Smith Memorial Prize for the Head of the Chapel Choir FGJ Miller Cup for Contribution to Basketball AG Morgan Prize for Spanish HT Mossman Cup for Coxswain of the Year CRW Owens Tancred Prize for History DDB Qi Barnett Prize for Mathematics Prize for Economics Prize for Japanese TR Moore Prize for English as a Second Language F Sa Cup for Contribution to Volleyball JJ Satterthwaite Prize for Mechanical Engineering Tony Holland Memorial Cup for Commitment and Endeavour WG Sleigh Prize for Design in Art Prize for Painting TDJ Tothill Watherston Cup for Oarsman of the Year A Vraich Major Rattray Prize for Debating TR Moore Prize for English The King Constantine Medal for Contribution to Round Square JW Wells Old Boys’ Cup for the Senior Athletics Champion Prize for Accounting Prize for Commerce NJ Wilks Prize for Agribusiness Prize for Materials Technology

JH Yee Major Rattray Prize for Debating Prize for Best Theatre Director BW Young CC Rowing Cup for Sportsmanship, Versatility and Endeavour Prize for Drama F Zhou Prize for Design & Visual Communication Prize for Digital Technology

Barnett Prize for Physics TR Moore Prize for English ZT Gimblett

HE Solomon Prize for Geography Major Rattray Prize for Literature Prize for Geography CWB Graham Prize for the Highest Aggregate Score in Clay Target Shooting EJ Grant Neave Memorial Prize for French Tom Cooper Prize for Public Speaking LMMM Gunn Hobb’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to Rugby EBK He Orchestra Prize Prize for Music Warden’s Prize for Chapel Prefect K Houston Worner Cup for Service to 1st XI Hockey WB Hutchinson Cup for Contribution to Polo LR Kitchen Gordon Harris Prize for Design & Visual Communication WJD Koko Prize for Art History Tancred Prize for History Research A Kwak Dr FG Westenra Prize for Medical Studies FT Laing Penlington Cup for Consistent Effort in Senior Art JRW Lay Barnett Prize for Chemistry John H Atkinson Prize for History Le Cren Prize for Science Major Rattray Prize for Debating Prize for English Tancred Prize for Literature PM Luisetti HTB Grigg & SW Kidner Cup for Contribution to Sailing


Register 2018 Academic

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