School Prospectus 2024

“Pupils have many opportunities to develop their talents and interests.” (Ofsted 2023)

“Any time there is an issue the teachers are happy to help.They take such good care of the students. I’m really pleased since my older son, who attended St Paul’s, is about to go off to university.”


Our mission as a school is expressed in the simple but breathtaking truth written by St Paul: “You are God’s work of art” (Ephesians 2:10). This means that as teachers and leaders we co-create with God; assisting in the shaping and forming of God’s masterpieces. St Paul’s Academy creates a sense of worth and dignity that stays strong inside our children, and gives them the necessary tools and insights in order to navigate the world they live in. St Paul’s is a school community where young people can thrive.We are ambitious and we do demand excellence in academic study and behaviour but we also provide the love, care and attention your children will need to be successful and happy. Our expertise and experience in pastoral inclusion work ensures that our young people, in spite of any challenges, are able to find St Paul’s a place that helps them achieve and be proud of themselves. Welcome to St Paul’s

We welcome families of Catholic and other Christian denominations, other faith traditions and any family who seeks, and can support, our ethos. At St Paul’s, diversity and inclusion is our success.

Principal Sheila Ward


Our Vision and Values Ambition: The educational journey at St Paul’s allows for students to explore the depth and breadth of their vocational and GCSE courses and to prepare them for the world of work and future study. We provide a curriculum that also provides a rich, varied and broad experience through Key Stage 3 so that we can cultivate young people who are widely read, resilient learners and culturally rich people. Our personal development curriculum underpins all that we do to support the formation of our young people to take their place in the world as justice makers and ambassadors for truth. The daily experience of faith and prayer provides our community with a ‘centre’ to return to as its source of strength and solace. Achievement: We pride ourselves on striving for academic rigour each day in every lesson. We expect excellence from our young people in terms of their behaviour for learning and excellence from teachers and leaders in delivering high quality, engaging learning. Creating inquisitive learners who are able to discuss, to debate and to problem-solve are key to success so we give these time in our planned curriculum. Abundance: St Paul’s is a place of an abundance of opportunities to develop gifts, support talent, engage with new experiences and to see the wonders of our world. Enrichment clubs, trips and sporting opportunities are at the heart of St Paul’s.We shape and equip our students to navigate the challenges and opportunities of a modern and changing world.

“My son loves the extracurricular clubs and teams he can be part of - he really excels because he has passionate teachers.” Parent

“Leaders have an ambitious vision for the school.”

(Ofsted 2023)


Awesome Facilities

Our facilities at St Paul’s are a ‘wow’ factor and enable us to deliver on the ambition, abundance and achievements we want for all students.You only need to look around the site and you will see why St Paul’s can offer excellence in so many areas. Our PE and Sporting pride is made possible by fantastic practitioners who have the use of a full sports hall (to run basketball, tennis, Gaelic football, trampolines and other indoor sports), outdoor athletics track with a long jump pit, multiple 4G pitches and an Olympic standard fitness suite.We also ensure our KS3 students have the opportunity to swim as part of their PE using the local leisure centre. Our music facilities include a hi-tech Editing Suite, multiple practice rooms and recording desks to support musicians and DJs. Dance is an important form of expression for students and our sprung floor dance studio with full-size mirrors and ballet bar provide the right setting for outstanding performances. Our Performance Hall is acoustic lined and ensures that students have a performance space to show off their talents to eager audiences in showcases, music festivals and school productions.We have many outdoor spaces including gardens, recreational seating and places to play table tennis and basketball.


Teaching and Learning at St Paul’s Academy Our vision and values underpin everything we strive to do at St Paul’s Academy. We deliver a curriculum that is ambitious, purposeful, inclusive and academically rigorous.We believe in equipping our students with an abundance of knowledge and skills that enables them to grow through learning. Our students leave St Paul’s with pride and confidence in all they have achieved and all they will go on to achieve. Their passion for learning and desire to be successful is tangible, with all students expected to become the very best that they can be, proficient in reading, writing and thinking. Our students can go on to become successful in the fields of medicine, education, the arts, creative technologies, music, sport, science, theatre and the media.

“Pupils feel part of a caring school community.” (Ofsted 2023)

As well as the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and Religious Studies, students have the opportunity to study a rich Key Stage 3 Curriculum of Humanities, Languages, Performance Arts, Information and Creative Technologies, Arts and Sport. Our broad curriculum is further complemented at Key Stage 4 with Business Studies, Construction, Media and Health & Social Care as well as the option to study Triple Science and AS Level Further Maths. Vocational qualifications and traditional GCSEs are valued equally. Our bilingual students also have the opportunity to complete an extra language qualification.


“St Paul’s Academy welcomes and includes all ethnicities and backgrounds without discrimination or bullying. My son enjoyed the company of the teachers and his fellow friends to the extent that, when it was termly holidays, he would wish to be in school.” Parent


Spiritual and Moral Life at St Paul’s At St Paul’s we have a full-time Lay Chaplain to serve the needs of the community, staff and students, and to develop the prayer life and practical efforts to make the world a fairer and more just place. Students also take a lead in the Chaplaincy Team supporting the spiritual and pastoral life of students and their families, working alongside the wider Inclusion Team of the Academy. St Paul’s is a community that prays and this is supported by the Chaplaincy team who provide reflection resources for morning and evening prayer each day. These can be student or teacher-led and enable our students to hear the Scriptures and to pray for our world as well as learn how to shape and lead prayer. Weekly year group assemblies are rooted in prayer, in understanding Catholic social teaching and taking time to develop spiritual wisdom and maturity.

“Teachers encourage pupils to understand and respect differences.” (Ofsted 2023)



We know that every day spent at St Paul’s is an investment in the future; not just the future of the young person but the future of the world that they will one day lead.We see real hope for the world every day by nurturing young people who are passionate about social justice and who have a strong ethical code by which to live. St Paul’s students care for their world and the people in need around them. They work for social justice, not only by raising awareness of issues, such as care for the environment and the injustice of poverty, but also by fundraising for good causes. Our students visit residents in a local care home and collect for the local food bank. Students are also involved in local environmental projects via the Duke of Edinburgh Awards and have helped tidy up our local area. As a community, we seek to celebrate our students’ gifts and encourage their aspirations, so that they may grow into uniquely authentic people who love themselves and their neighbours and exercise good stewardship in all areas of their lives. St Paul’s: Changing the world for the better


As a school, we acknowledge the importance of links between home and school so we ensure there is frequent and consistent communication with parents and carers about their child. Each day, our staff greet students at the school gate when they arrive and say goodbye to them as they leave.Teaching staff also welcome students at their door for every lesson and we constantly praise and reward good behaviour. St Paul’s students are ambassadors for our school at all times; we therefore expect them to wear their uniform with pride and present themselves smartly. We are very proud to say that visitors to the school frequently comment on the welcome they receive and the exemplary behaviour they receive towards them as guests. Home School Partnership: Together we are better

“My daughter gets the opportunity to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh scheme. It’s been brilliant for her self-confidence.” Parent

Alumni At Emerson Park Academy we are particularly proud of the achievements of our alumni.

So many of our pupils go on to successful careers in a broad range of industries.

Many of our pupils progress to further and higher education with outstanding results. Sam and Imogen left Emerson Park Academy with ten grade nines each at GCSE. Such achievement is a measure of the dedication to excellence shown by pupils, parents and staff and we continue to ensure each of our pupils fulfil their potential.




51 Finchale Road, Abbey Wood, London SE2 9PX

T: 0208 311 3868 E: W: Principal: Sheila Ward

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