Case for Support 2023
In 2001 and again in 2006 BCNA worked with government, health professionals and suppliers of the treatment to have trastuzumab available through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, resulting in access to this life saving drug for all Australians. Since 2006, when trastuzumab was made available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, more than 32,000 Australians have benefited. While we do not know the agreed price between the pharmaceutical company (Roche) and the Government, it is estimated that the private cost per patient was $50,000 in 2006 before its listing. Our efforts in driving access to trastuzumab and equity for all Australians has not only provided over $1.6b in potential household savings, it has also resulted in positive health outcomes including preventing breast cancer progression or recurrence.
Why is funding needed?
We know that even if someone diagnosed does not reach out to BCNA for support, they are impacted by our work because of our advocacy. It is an area that requires complete independence from government and the for-profit cancer sector to ensure when we voice the issues and concerns of those diagnosed, we do so without fear or favour. BCNA is a highly regarded consumer group that has worked collaboratively with the sector to ensure the very best care, treatment and support is delivered to all those affected by breast cancer. One of the highest impact advocacy campaigns BCNA has led was for Herceptin (trastuzumab). Trastuzumab is a very effective drug for women with HER2-positive breast cancer. It is, however, an expensive drug which many Australians could not afford without government assistance.
Policy & Advocacy Staff salaries
$674,000 $15,000 $15,000 $70,000 $15,000 $10,000 $15,000 $11,000 $3,000 $828,000 $124,200
Leadership and professional development
Conference registrations
Consultants’ fees – research, reporting and evaluation
Strategy/project design communications
Advocacy campaign videos, case studies
Total Annual Program costs
Administration @15%
* Funding opportunities are exclusive of government funding
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