BCNA - Case for Support

Case for Support 2023

Global Leadership In Metastatic Breast Cancer Advocacy

whose goal is to improve and extend the lives of people living with advanced breast cancer in all countries worldwide through awareness and advocacy. BCNA has identified high unmet supportive care needs amongst those living with metastatic breast cancer. This is further affirmed by the positive reception across the sector of our work in making those with metastatic breast cancer more visible both from an internal service delivery perspective, and through our advocacy to health services and policymakers.

Metastatic (or advanced) breast cancer is breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast to other organs. It is treatable but not curable. People living with metastatic breast cancer have signi cant health care needs, requiring ongoing and often intensive treatment. Thanks to new advances in treatments, metastatic breast cancer survival has doubled in the past 20 years. However, health care goals extend beyond prolonging life and must also incorporate ways to define and live a quality life with metastatic cancer. BCNA is progressing advocacy priorities pertaining to metastatic breast cancer, aligned with our strategic focus on living well with breast cancer, including a strong Metastatic Breast Cancer Lived Experience Reference Group that supports our work. Our issues paper, Making Metastatic Breast Cancer Count, is one of the first attempts to quantity the number of Australians living with this disease. It calls for national leadership to see consistent collection and reporting of cancer stage and recurrence data to help better understand and address unmet needs, especially for supportive care. This year, BCNA plans a national roundtable on metastatic breast cancer data and, as the newly appointed President of the General Assembly of the Advanced Breast Cancer Global Alliance, will play a leadership role in developing its 2023 international conference in Portugal. The ABC Global Alliance is an association of 150 organisations from over 50 countries

Why is funding needed?

To maximise the opportunities for BCNA’s metastatic breast cancer advocacy in Australia and its global leadership of the ABC Global Alliance, BCNA will create a part-time staff position to support this new and important stream of work, while ensuring continuity of service delivery in other areas and across the array of issues related to all breast cancer experiences. The role will support BCNA’s leadership in the ABC Global Alliance, plan and manage advocacy events in Australia and overseas, support engagement with Cancer Australia and the Australian Cancer Plan and coordinate our Metastatic Breast Cancer Lived Experience Reference Group. The role will provide BCNA with specialist expertise in public health, clinical research and health promotion activities for metastatic breast cancer.


Metastatic Breast Cancer Advocacy Staff Position Annual salary costs

$77,966 $11,694

Administration @15%




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