BCNA - Case for Support

Breast Cancer Network Australia

Breconda Breast Reconstruction Decision Aid

More information is needed than is given in the hospital brochures. Doctors need to explain more clearly the reality of reconstruction and show examples of women with a natural breast and a reconstructed breast. They need to make it clear that only by doing surgery to the natural breast can they make your reconstructed breast match. They need to discuss the loss of feeling that will occur in any surgery. There needs to be support offered for the changes to women’s lives.

The Cancer Australia Statement Influencing best practice in breast cancer emphasises that all women recommended for a mastectomy should be offered the opportunity to discuss options for breast reconstruction prior to surgery. However, our research shows that many women are not being offered this option as part of standard care. Our findings suggest that improvements in relation to information provision and access to breast reconstruction are needed. Breconda is an online decision aid that helps women consider their options for breast reconstruction by accessing the clinical knowledge of experts. It ensures patients are given back control through relevant, realistic and timely information—information is power.

Breast Reconstruction in Australia Report, August 2021


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