The Owl HR Exclusive - March 2024

Meet Chris Ward, KSU’s first Staff Spotlight of 2024!

As our university grows, the demand for exceptional individuals to join KSU remains ongoing. To enhance the attraction and retention of top-tier talent, we have actively been showcasing our identity as an employer, emphasizing the aspects that our staff find most appealing about KSU: our purpose, community, growth opportunities, and stability. The above story featuring Chris Ward, the director of web services at KSU, reflects on his connection to the university and the impact it has had on his life. He expresses that KSU is inseparable from who he is, almost like it's a part of his DNA. Over the past decade, his role at KSU has required him to focus on leadership, and he feels that he has discovered his strengths and where he excels in that aspect.

Chris concludes by stating that working at KSU gives him a sense of purpose, and he considers the university his family. The script provides insights into Chris Ward's personal and professional connection to Kennesaw State University. Chris will be showcased on the I-75 sign, our HR website, and across various social media platforms. We extend our gratitude to Chris for sharing his positive perspective on his experience at KSU and elaborating on how the relationships he has cultivated here imbue his days with meaning.

Stay tuned for more information on KSU‘s Employee Campaign!


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