


In my 20-year career in denturology, the past year has been one of the most difficult in terms of repairs. A worrying trend is emerging: many people seem to put off dental care as long as possible, forgetting that things don’t last forever. This behaviour, in addition to neglecting the warning signs, can lead to irreversible problems. I’d like to share a few thoughts based on my recent experience, highlighting the importance of prevention and regular attention to avoid serious complications. It’s understandable that life is often hectic, and that dental care can take a back seat. However, waiting until teeth or dentures break down can be a risky strategy. Dentures, like everything else, have a limited lifespan. Ignoring signs of wear or deterioration can lead to situations where repair becomes impossible, and tooth loss, inevitable. Another worrying trend I’ve observed is the mistaken belief that repairing permanently solves the problem. In reality, it often only postpones the inevitable. Some of my patients have unfortunately waited too long, and now restoration is impossible. The message I want to convey is clear: it’s crucial not to underestimate the importance of prevention and prompt action. It’s essential to plan dental care proactively. Instead of waiting for problems arising, take preventive measures. See your denturist and dentist regularly for routine check-ups, discuss the condition of your dentures and consider replacements or repairs before it’s too late. Preventive planning can not only save time and money, but also preserve your smile and oral health. Last month, in December, I was confronted with an alarming number of broken dentures. I try to help my patients as much as possible, but sometimes the problem has become too serious. The compassion I feel for my patients is immense, and I hope this will serve as a warning to all those who put off necessary dental care. Nicholas Fournier, DD A CALL TO ACTION FOR DENTAL HEALTH

Clarence-Rockland municipal council first approved the demolition of the Cobb’s Lake Creek bridge in March 2023. Nearly a year later, the bridge still stands as council refused to make a final decision on what to do with the aging infrastructure. (File photo)


De nouveaux développements, notam- ment la rumeur d’une éventuelle acquisi- tion privée du pont, ainsi que les réactions passionnées des habitants, ont ravivé le débat. Toutefois, aucune décision finale n’a encore été prise. Les conseillers ont à

plusieurs reprises convenu de reporter le vote jusqu’à ce que tous soient disponibles, ce qui signifie qu’un an après la présentation initiale des options au conseil en 2022, aucune décision n’a encore été prise.

Après des mois de discussions, de huis clos et de reports, un vote sur le sort du pont du ruisseau Cobb’s Lake aura lieu lors de la séance du conseil municipal du 20 mars. Lors de la séance du conseil du 14 février dernier, le maire Mario Zanth, frustré mais bien disposé, a mandaté le conseil municipal pour qu’il prenne enfin une décision sur le sort du pont du ruisseau du Lac Cobbs à Saint-Pascal-Baylon, que tous les conseillers soient disponibles ou non pour voter. Depuis que l’avenir du pont a été remis en question en décembre 2022, à la suite d’un rapport de l’administration selon lequel les réparations du pont coûteraient à la ville plus de 800 000 $, sans compter les coûts d’entretien annuels, le petit pont de la taille d’un ponceau a alimenté les discussions autour de la table du conseil. &ONBST MFDPOTFJMBWPUÊFO faveur de la démolition du pont pour plus EFøø DJUBOUMVUJMJTBUJPOMJNJUÊFEV pont en dehors de la communauté agricole et récréative comme raison de ne pas réparer l’infrastructure vieillissante. Le pont est fermé la moitié de l’année, pendant les mois d’hiver, et n’est utilisé que par les VTT et les motoneiges.



A 37-year-old man from Bourget was charged with assaulting police officers following a police operation at a resi- dence in the Clarence-Rockland village. 4IPSUMZBGUFSBNPO8FEOFTEBZ 'FC  QPMJDF BMPOHTJEFUIF011T&NFSHFODZ Response Team, Tactics and Rescue Unit BOE$SJTJT/FHPUJBUPST SFTQPOEFEUPBEJT - turbance at a residence on Lemery Street, between Colette Street and Champlain Road. 'PSTFWFSBMIPVSTQPMJDFDBSTBOEFNFS - gency vehicles were stationed outside of the residence and blocking through traffic before Alexandre Bisson was arrested and removed from the house. Two officers suffered minor injuries during

Alexandre Bisson, 37, is charged with two counts of assaulting a police officer with a weapon, two counts of uttering threats of causing bodily harm or death, and two counts of destroying or damaging property. (File photo) the incident, according to the OPP. Bisson is charged with two counts of assaulting a police officer with a weapon, two counts of uttering threats of causing bodily harm or death, and two counts of destroying or damaging property. Bisson was held in custody following a bail hearing and will appear before the Ontario Court of +VTUJDFJO-0SJHOBMPO'FCSVBSZ

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VENTE SPÉCIALE DE VEAUX D’EMBOUCHE À TOUS LES DERNIERS MERCREDIS DU MOIS À 13H Les vaches gestantes et de type à boeuf seront vendues à 19h. Toutes vaches ou taures vendues gestantes seront vérifiées par notre vétérinaire à l’interne, et seront vendues garanties-gestantes. Meilleurs prix avec preuve de vaccination. ENCAN D’ANIMAUX TOUS LES LUNDIS ET MERCREDIS Prochaines dates : 28 février 2024 et le 27 mars 2024

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