King's Business - 1960-05

Personal Evangelism by Benjamin Weiss




Co-Director National Educators' Fellowship W hy did you keep still? It was an unusual opportunity for you to give a personal testimony to this per­ son about his spiritual welfare. But you just kept quiet. Are you like a lot of other people who say, “I am back­ ward about talking about spiritual things,” or “I feel shy in speaking to another person about his spiritual condition.” It is difficult to get started, isn’t it? but you do have opportuni­ ties. Why should we be backward when talking to others about their relation­ ship to God? We couldn’t possibly do them a greater favor. Is it because we a r e embarrassed? Embarrassment comes from being too self-conscious. A man spoke very enthusiastically about his contact with another per­ son of some importance. There wasn’t the least hesitancy about this. Al­ though he was a bom again Chris­ tian, he was very reticent in speak­ ing about this to anyone. Is it possi­ ble that we do not adequately value our redemption through Christ? It is Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord about whom we hesitate to speak. Another reason is that we have nothing personal to say. Have we nothing to say that would interest or influence another? Jesus called the reality of the Christian life, “The pearl of greatest price.” If someone were told about it, he too might sell all to purchase it and have its posses­ sion. Doesn’t anything happen to you that is spiritually significant? Is it that you are not interested in the spiritual welfare of others? Yes, you do have a responsibility The time to speak is now. At a later time it may be too late. You are God’s personal messenger to those who do not know our Saviour. Better speak in­ articulately and hesitatingly than not at all. Are you backward in conversation about speaking about things of the spirit? Read again the fifty - third chapter of Isaiah and realize what our redemption cost Him. Then ask Him if He wants you to speak as His ambassador. Ask Him to give you the courage and the enthusiasm to speak up. Be assured that He will. Kneel again in prayer and then go in His power—and speak.

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