King's Business - 1960-05


you must

/by Bishop J. C. Ryle

A man may reach heaven w ithout learning, or books, or knowledge, bu t no m an ever reached heaven w ith ­ out prayer. Prayer is the life-breath of a man’s soul. Without it we may have a name to live, and be counted Christians, but we are dead in the sight of God. The feeling that we must cry to God for mercy and peace is a mark of grace, and the habit of spreading before Him our souls’ wants is an evidence that we have the spirit of sonship. Prayer is the appointed way to ob­ tain the relief of our spiritual neces­ sities. It opens the treasury and sets the fountain flowing. If we have not, it is because we ask not. Prayer is the way to procure the outpouring of the Spirit upon our hearts. Jesus has promised the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. He is ready to come down with all His precious gifts, renewing, sanctifying, p u r i f y i n g , strengthening, cheering, encouraging, enlightening, t e a c h i n g , directing, guiding into all truth. But He waits to be entreated. And here it is that men fall short so miserably. Many fall on their knees to say a form, but there are few who pray, few who cry unto God, few who call upon the Lord, few who seek as if they want to find, few who knock as if they hunger and thirst, few who wrestle, few who strive with God earnestly for an answer. Yes, few men pray. It is just one of the things as­ sumed as a matter of course, but sel­ dom practiced: a thing which is everybody’s business, but which hard­ ly anybody does. If your soul is to be saved, you must pray. God has no dumb children. If you are to resist the world, the flesh and the devil, you must pray; it is vain to look for strength in the hour of trial if it has not been sought. You may be thrown with those who never pray, you may have to sleep in the same room with someone who never asks anything of God; still you must pray. I know you may find great difficul­ ties about it; difficulties about oppor­ tunities, and hours, and places. I dare not lay down too positive rules on such points as these. I leave them to your own conscience. You must be guided by circumstances. Our Lord

around them, to prevent it from enter­ ing their lungs. Prayer is the mouth­ piece you must wear continually, or else you will never work uninjured by the unhealthy atmosphere of this world. You must pray. Be sure no time is so well spent as that which a man spends upon his knees. Make time for this, whatever your employment may be. Think of David, King of Israel—what does he say? “Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice” (Psalm 55: 17). Think of Daniel: he had all the business of a kingdom on his hands, yet he prayed three times a day. See

Jesus Christ prayed on a mountain; Isaac prayed in the fields; Hezekiah turned his face to the wall as he lay upon his bed; Daniel prayed by a riverside; Peter, the apostle, on the housetop. I have heard of men praying in stables and haylofts. All that I con­ tend is this: you must know what it is to “enter into your closet.” There must be stated times when you must speak with God face to face; you must every day have a time for prayer. You must pray. Without this, all advice and counsel are useless. This is that piece of spir­ itual armor which Paul names last in his catalogue in Ephesians 6, but

PRAYER What various hindrances we meet in coming to a mercy seat; Yet who that knows the worth of prayer but wishes to be often there. Prayer makes the darkened cloud withdraw, prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw, Gives exercise to faith and love, brings every blessing from above. Restraining prayer we cease to fight, prayer makes the Christian's armour bright; And Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees. While Moses stood with arms spread wide, success would follow Israel's side. But when through weariness they failed, that moment Amalek prevailed. Have you no words, ah, think again, words flow apace when you complain And fill your fellow creature's ear with sad tales of all your care. Were half the breath thus vainly spent, to heaven in supplication sent, Your cheerful song would oftener be, ''Hear what the Lord hath done for me."

— by Wm. Cowper

it is in truth first in value and impor­ tance. This is that meat which you must daily eat if you would travel safely through the wilderness of this life. It is only in this strength that you will go on toward the mount of God. I have heard it said that the needle- grinders of Sheffield sometimes wore magnetic mouthpieces at their work to catch all the fine dust that flew

there the secret of his safety in wicked Babylon. Think of Solomon: he began his reign with prayer for help and assistance, and hence his wonderful prosperity. Think of Nehemiah: he could find time to pray to the God of heaven, even when standing in the presence of his master, Artaxerxes. Think of the example these godly men have left you; go and do likewise. YOU MUST PRAY!


MAY, 1960

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