King's Business - 1960-05

THINGS TO COME J. DWIGHT PENTECOST This is perhaps the great­ est book on the prophetic Scriptures in our genera­ tion, covering an enor­ mous scope of "Things to Come.” This is for all lovers of Bible prophecy. Widely r e c e i v e d and highly recommended! $7.95 uUNHAM PUBLISHING COMPANY Findlay, Ohio

view. This is substantiated by the fact that in the December, 1959, Youth for Christ magazine, Dr. Mixter told the young people that our ancestry can be traced back to the Australopithecinae (South African ape-men) and perhaps could be traced back even further except that the evidence is now cov­ ered by water and is inaccessible. Those who are true to the Word of God are derided as hypertraditional­ ists, while the opinions of scoffers are set up as the bases of what Christians can believe. It is noteworthy that in this book about evolution and Chris­ tian thought today there is nowhere expressed a warning about what the theory of evolution can do and has done in undermining faith. We are told on the paper jacket that, “This timely volume has been written es­ pecially for students, and for Chris­ tian leaders who must deal with the spiritual problems and intellectual difficulties of those engaged in the study of natural sciences as well as the science of theology.” Those who think that evolution is a dead issue or that it is taught only in non-Christian or modernistic circles need to be alerted to reality. 224 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $4.50.—Reviewed by Bolton Davidheiser. Archeology and the N T By J; A. Thompson In this companion book for his Archeology and the Old Testament and Archeology and the Pre-Christian Centuries, Thompson has added a val­ uable contribution to the historical literature behind the New Testament. His information on the political set­ ting of the life of Christ and the pic­ turesque background of The Acts is detailed, yet very readable. This small but rich mine of archeological re­ search materials, cultural elements, and papyri ought to be in the hands of every Bible student and teacher. 151 pages; cloth; Eerdmans, Grand Rapids; $1.50.—Reviewed by Mary Stanton. Rivers In the Desert By Nelson Glueck A great controversy has waged over the area generally known as the Wil­ derness Wanderings of the Old Testa­ ment. Liberals and unbelievers have consistently stated that it never could have provided existence for two or three million Hebrews, nor even for life as described in The Kings. In six years Glueck, President of Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem, located about four hundred sites on the once barren Negev map. He shows that (continued on next page)


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