King's Business - 1960-05

BOOK REVIEWS (cont.) there is ample evidence to vindicate the Bible picture. The Bible student thrills as he interweaves the Scrip­ tures and places Bible characters into an accurate cultural setting. Glueck traces Negev civilizations from “the beginnings” through the Nabataen- Byzantine era. 302 pages; cloth; Far­ rar, Straus and Cudahy, New York; $6.50.—Reviewed by Mary Stanton. BOOK ENDS A Capsule Review of Current Publications ON WINGS OF HEALING; PRAYERS AND READINGS FOR THE SICK AND SHUT-IN com­ piled by John W. Doberstein, designed and illus­ trated by W. P. Schoonmaker. 62 pages; paper; Muhlenberg Press, Philadelphia; $1.50. An attractive collection of prose and poetic materials gathered from many sources. They are arranged under eleven heads. THAT YE MAY BELIEVE; A DISTINCTIVE STUDY OF THE GOSPEL OF JOHN by William Stevens. 176 pages; cloth; American Press, New York; $3.00. A rother heavy study of the Gos­ pel by a Th.D. from Southern Baptist Theo­ logical Seminary. As one might have surmised a good deal of the tradition of A. T. Robertson is evident. As a good deal of Greek type is used the book has a limited usefulness for those who do not know the original language, but for those who do, it will be found stimulating. There ore numerous references to other authorities. THE MINOR PROPHETS: THE MEN AND THEIR MESSAGES by G. Compbell Morgan. 157 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $2.75. Recovered for wider use from the pages of the Northfield Echoes in 1902-03, where they first appeared, these studies deal with all twelve of the prophets. The text is in­ cluded and the material is in concentrated form including on outline and summaries of the messoge of each. GROWING STEADY by Verna J. Joiner. 122 pages; paper; Warner Press, Anderson, Ind.; $1.00. Written on the basis of a study of essoys on teen-age problems written for English classes by over 500 young people. HYMNAL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS compiled by Robert J. Hughes. 166 numbers; cloth; Zonder- von Music Publishers; $1.00. This collection is designed for use in the junior church and the comparable age-groups in the Sunday-School. CHRIST IN GENESIS by Joseph Johnston. 75 pages; cloth; Exposition Press, New York; $2.75. The elements in Genesis that bear upon future prophecy are given special attention in this small volume by a BIOLA alumnus. The Jewish reader is especially catered to. The price is too high for the size of the book, but there ore some interesting observations here. Not all of the interpretations will appeal to the in­ formed reader. BY PACIFIC WATERS by Yetive H. Dean. 116 pages; cloth; Zondervon Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.00. A Christian novel with setting in California. WHEN GRANDMA DIED by Grover E. Swoyer. 128 pages; cloth; Vantoge Press, New York; $2.95. Some will feel that the funeral is not a fit subject for humor, but for those who are a bit odventuresome it will be a regarding ex­ perience to read this book. Preachers especially can use it to overcome fatigue and gluminess. The chapter on the corpse and the one on the autopsy of on undertaker indicate the trend of the volume. The author is a Lutheran pastor. I SEE 4 by Mildred Krentel. Unpaged; Loizeaux Brothers, New York; $2.50. A charming illustrat­ ed children's book on the third chapter of Daniel. True to the Bible yet written with imagination and humor, it represents a new de­ parture of the staid and steady purveyor of Brethren literature for nearly a century. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Rooms , 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson, Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

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