King's Business - 1960-05

CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION Member Mission I.F.M.A. Pray for our Radio and

Bible School ministry. Write for free literature

107 North Hale

Wheaton, III.

M IM EOGRAPH STENCILS Our Church Bulletin Stencils ore cut into halves— will fit any typewriter. Type the two holves separately— glue them together and run on your mimeograph machine. F. K. BAINCH COMPANY Ingleside, Illinois HONGKONG

“Freedom from colonialism” is the cry all over Africa. Some states have achieved political independence; more - will receive it in the near future. Many Africans are placing all their hopes for a future life in “ freedom from colonialism.” But Christians know that political freedom, valuable as it is, can never bring spiritual freedom. Only Christ can free the spirit, and He is found only in His Word. Many African leaders, recog­ nizing this truth, are cooperating with ; the PTL in bringing the Gospel to ■; Africa’s millions. Pray for our PTL teams j working with African pastors, mission­ aries and leaders in bringing true free­ dom in Christ to Africa’s multitudes.

T wo hours after she had tucked her B “caboose” into bed Mother went to check on him. Mark was fast asleep, but not at the head of his bed on the pillow. He seemed to be a lump in the middle of the bed with his feet hanging over the edge. M o t h e r tugged, pulled, straightened, a n d kissed the little guy back to the proper place without his missing one wink. The next morning, I questioned him. “Mark, why have you taken to sleeping down in the middle of your bed? I can’t keep your feet covered and warm when they stick out over the edge.” “Mommie,” the voice held a defi­ nite note of annoyance, “don’t you know that Bill’s feet stick out at the end of his bed? I want mine to stick out also because I want to be like Bill.” “But Bill is nearly six feet tall. You are little more than half that height. When you slide so far down into the bed, I have a hard time keep­ ing you covered.” A flood of warm gratitude surged through Mother’s heart as she pon­ dered this new experience. How im­ portant that Mark’s parents had reared Bill in the nurture and ad­ monition of the Lord. How thrilling it is that Bill lives for Christ and sets an example of godliness before his younger brothers and sisters. With Bob having been promoted to glory three years ago, the responsi­ bilities and privileges attendant to the eldest now rests upon Bill. When Bill had been informed of Mark’s adoration and imitation, his reaction was as Mother expected. “Whew, the little fellow is placing quite a responsibility on me. I’ll really have to watch my step. Ever since Mark has been behaving this way I’ve not been able to get away from Paul’s admonition ‘Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus’ (Phil. 2:5). His mind was self­ less. He lived and died and rose again for others. My little brother has given me a fresh and vivid concept of this important section of the Bible.”


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The Door to 25,000,000 Chinese outside the Mainland The Colony that has the largest dis­ placed personnel with the greatest amount of suffering per square mile in the world The Bible Institute of Los Angeles in a great ministry Dr. Charles A. Roberts, Supt. EVANGELISM — Services in three dif­ ferent centers. MEDICAL— A doctor and nursing staff treating over 1,500 a month. BOOK ROOM — Downtown distribution point for Bibles and literature, Chinese and English. SCHOOLS — Christian education for 1,300 underprivileged children. NURSERY — Tiny tots of refugee par­ ents seeking love and home and work. Daily program caring for health, meals and instruction. Gospel antidote to communist propaganda. In operation early 1960. For com plete inform ation and g ifts w rite: The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

For The Best BIG BEAR LAKE Lots— Cabins— Homes Income Property SEE OR WRITE John M. Poure W ITH

Floyd A. Taylor - Realtor In The Village— Box 514— Ph. 2151

WILL YOU HELP? "Our Lord commissioned you 'Go preach saying, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers.' " — Matt. 10:7, 8 Write for information to AMERICAN LEPROSY MISSIONS Rev. David E. Todd, Reg. Dir.

Hongkong Department 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California

4219 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, Calif.



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