King's Business - 1960-05


Reader Reaction VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL We appreciate the complete Vaca­ tion Bible School information which you provided your readers in your April, 1960, issue. It certainly will be helpful to your readers to have this information available to them. I want to mention that the section telling of Gospel Light’s materials omitted listing the new Bible Kit- Kraft packaged handwork for the pre-schoolers and for primaries. The paragraph mentioned that packaged craft for juniors and youth and adults was available. I don’t know if it would be possi­ ble for you to mention this in a later issue, but the listing of crafts only for the two older departments does seem incomplete, since perhaps the greatest need for them is in the two younger departments. Bruce Bartel, Gospel Light Press, Glendale, Calif. CRITICISM CRITICIZED THE KING’S BUSINESS gives me a spiritual uplift and I pass it on to others, even to Finland. I read in the Reader’s Reaction that someone doesn’t like the cover with the trimming of the Christmas tree. Let us put away criticisms. It is not found in God’s Word. I find love. Romans 13:10 “Love worketh no ill.” May the Lord bless His work through you. Emma Cacace, Santa Cruz, California JUBILEE COMMENTS Your 50th anniversary edition of THE KING’S BUSINESS has been gratefully received. I would like to add congratulations, not only on this splendid issue, but also for the excel­ lent Christian ministry and outreach that is yours issue by issue. We are happy to be included in the advertising family of THE KING’S BUSINESS, and trust that the days ahead, as the Lord tarries, may pro­ vide even greater opportunities as you and your staff go about business for the King of kings. David L. Roberts, Director of Public Relations, Wheaton College. SISTER ENJOYS MAGAZINE I sent my sister a subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS for Christ­ mas. She wrote me after receiving two issues. She says that compared to other Christian magazines, KB is outstand­ ing. Though you’d like to know. Mrs. Jaye Wade, Downey, California

I notice you print a reader’s column and I’m wondering if any of the read­ ers might be able to help solve our problem. We would like to help our son develop his whistling ability and use it for the Lord. We are wondering if any of the readers have any of the old copies of the Ralph Platt whistling records they would lend or sell (not bird calls), or the whistling book by Woodward. Someone may know of a whistling instructor, or have some suggestions of how we can help him. This is a wonderful field, but no one seems to know of any help available. Mrs. Harold Breifhaupf, Pomeroy, Washington KB HELPS TEACHER Congratulations on your 50th an­ niversary. I have always considered your magazine one of the best. I have been a subscriber for about twenty- five years. You have always been true to the Bible. When I was asked to speak to our youth. I could always find something interesting in your magazine. I have taught a Sunday school class for years and I read from your paper some of the good articles along with the lesson. The prophetic articles are very good. May God con­ tinue to bless you. Mrs. David Moore, Sr., Huntington, Pa. PEN PALS WANTED This is my first letter to you. I must first address myself to you. My name is Vesta Dixon. I am 15 years and one month old. I am about five feet, four inches. My complexion is fair and my hair is not so tall. I am saved two years and eight months ago and have decided to follow Jesus Christ until the end of life’s journey, and have been baptized in His name. I would like to join the pen pals and would like to correspond with some of the girls and boys that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour. I have a big family, 6 sisters and 5 brothers. My mother and father are alive. My mother accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour. One of my sisters said she would like to join the pen pals. She is about 23 years old. God bless you all until I hear from you soon. Vesta Dixon, Duan Vale, P.O., Trelany, J.B.W .I. E d it o r ’ s N o t e : Perhaps some of our teenager readers would like to corre­ spond with Vesta. This is certainly a wonderful opportunity to learn more about folk in other countries and to share what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for you. We hope that many will avail themselves of this opportunity to meet Vesta.

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