King's Business - 1960-05

A MOTHER DEDICATES HER CHILDREN This is the promise that I claim for these Whom Thou hast given me, Lord, to guide. Strong, straight and beautiful as liv­ ing trees, Here in Thy house I'll set them side by side: Down to the solid rock of Truth HI go, Press close the soil of Faith with hands of Love, Out of its depths— magnificent— shall grow These that shall flourish in Thy courts above. Daily I'll water them with Thy good Word, And from their hearts HI pull the weeds of sin, This is the best that I can do, O Lord; But Thou wilt finish what Thou didst begin, And I can leave them with a quiet peace: Man sows the seed— God giveth the increase. — Helen Frazee-Bower


CONNECT THE FOLLOWING WITH MOTHERS OF THE BIBLE: 1. My sou doth magnify the Lora. , , , 1 ., , j

NAME THESE PEOPLE Since May is the month that honors mothers and since the word mother


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' begins with M, let us search the 2. Not^so; but he shall be called Scriptures for the names of people whose name begins with "M ." How 3. "I have lent him to the Lord as many can you name? long as he liveth." 1. "M "...............who sat at Jesus' 4. "Is it well with thee — and she feet. answered, It is well." 2. "M " ...............thetax collector who 5. "Entreat me not to leave thee, or became a disciple to return fromfollowing after 3. "M "....................the last book in the ^ // Old Testament. 4 "M " ............. the name of Aaron's 6. "Take this child away, and nurse , . . . . . sister. ,t for me— And the woman took 5 „ M„ ...........the man who |ed the the child and nursed it. children of Israel through the 7. She "Took the child and laid it wilderness. in herbosom and became nurse $ "M " ....................the name of the old- unto it. est man that ever lived. 8. The first mother in the world, 7. "M " .....the mane of Lazarus' called the "mother of all living." sister who served a supper for the Answers: 1. Mary, Luke 1:46; 2. Elizabeth, Lord Jesus. Luke 1:60; 3. Hannah, 1 Samuel 1:28; 4. 0 .i___ r . t ____ Great woman of Shunem, 2 King's4:26; 8. M ................the father of Samson. 5. Ruth, Ruth 1:16; 6. Jochebed, Exodus Answers: 1. Mary; 2. Matthew; 3. Malachi; 2 :9 ; 7. Naomi, Ruth 4:16; 8. Eve. Gen. 4. Miriam; 5. Moses; 6. Methuselah; 7. 3:20. Martha; 8. Manoah.

A MOTHER'S REQUEST What do I want for Mother's Day? you ask My fair young daughter, and my stalwart son. Only that you should finish up the task That, in life's evening, seems but just begun— The task that I can never now com­ plete, Of setting forth the Way, the Life, the Truth, Except you lend to me your eager feet, Your questing spirits and your gallant youth. What do I want for Mother's Day? No gift That *any purse could buy. But one request I make of you: that, daily, you might lift The Cross of Christ and publish, east and west, And north and south, the tidings of His grace. What do I want for Mother's Day? Just this: Your hands, your hearts, your voices for my Christ; This is the ultimate of earthly bliss. There is no comfort I have sacrificed For you that was too much. So do not bring The casual token . . . But, when ways grow rough, Then light my twilight with remem­ bering Your mother's God, for you, is still enough. — by Helen Frazee-Bower

P E R S O N N E L W A N T E D Challenge in the West— Teachers needed in a fast-growing accredited Christian High School. Opening in science, English and history; also opportunities in guidance and dormitory supervision. Only dedicated, missionary-minded Christians need apply. Box K-5, THE KING'S BUSINESS, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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a t th e



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AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION Suppliers of religious material to Sun­ day Schools for over a century. 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelpha 3, Pennsylvania.



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