King's Business - 1960-05

David L. Roberts, director of Public Relations for Wheaton College has announced that the college will be offering a number of liberal arts courses on a variety of subjects for both the Inter-Session period, June 14-24, and the regular summer terms from June 25-July 22 and from July 23 to August 29. More than 70 regu­ lar faculty members will be partici­ pating. Field sciences will be taught at Wheaton’s Black Hills, South Dakota campus. Mr. Jack Sonneveldt, president of Gospel Films, and Mr. Joe Weatherly, overseas director, have been touring the Orient with their organization’s new film, “Something to Die For.” The end of 1960 wall see twelve lan­ guage versions of the production. Dr. Paul R. Jackson, chairman of the General Association of Regular Bap­ tist Churches, will preside at sessions of the 29th annual conference of the group June 20-24. The convention is held in Long Beach, California. Speakers include: Rev. Carl Elgena, Rev. Kenneth Muck, Dr. John R. Dunkin, Rev. Kenneth Masteller, and Dr. Kenneth R. Kinney. Dr. Clyde W. Taylor, secretary of pub­ lic affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals, has declared that there should be a full scale congres­ sional investigation into the relation­ ship between the national security and American churches. The basis comes from the report that 30 of the 95 persons who prepared the Revised Standard Version of the Bible for the National Council of Churches have been affiliated with communist front organizations. Dr. William W. Orr, director of the Radio School of the Bible, is current­ ly conducting a tour of the Holy Land. On Easter Sunday, Dr. Orr participated in the traditional sunrise services at the garden tomb just out­ side of Jerusalem. Mrs. Rudd Brown, La Canada, Cali­ fornia, granddaughter of the late William Jennings Bryan, delivered the Founder’s Day address at Byran College which has celebrated its hun- dreth anniversary of her grandfather’s birth. Dr. Theodore C. Mercer is presi­ dent of the College. Dr. Ralph T. Davis, general director of the Africa Inland Mission, was one of the featured speakers during the annual Missions Week of Dallas Theological Seminary and Graduate School of Theology. Dr. Ellwood Evans directed the planning for the week.

Kenneth N. Taylor, director of Moody Literature Mission, will direct a spe­ cial short course in missionary litera­ ture for missionaries on furlough and missionary candidates at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, June 20— July 8. Tuition is free with a charge of only $20.00 for the week to cover room and board. Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., founder and chair­ man of the Board of Trustees of Bob Jones University, h a s announced another step in the school’s expan­ sion program which calls for two ad­ ditional dormitories. Already under construction is a science and home economics building. During June and July, 28 states and Canada will see Bob Jones summer banquets held in various cities. Dr. Joseph W. Schmidt, president of Grace Bible Institute, Omaha, Ne­ braska, died recently at the age of 38 due to a deep seated tumor of the brain. Mr. Schmidt had served as president for nearly five years. Dr. Ted W. Engstrom, president of Youth for Christ International has re­ ported the launching of a new YFC magazine “Vida” (Life) in Portu­ guese. 10,000 copies will be the initial print rim. At the same time, YFC de­ clared that it would print and distrib­ ute 150,000 copies of the May “deci­ sion” issue of its stateside edition. Dr. Gate A. Risley, executive secre­ tary of the National Sunday School Association has announced “Vote for Sunday School” as the theme of Na­ tional Family Week, May 1-8. Church bulletins, posters, packets and hym­ nal bands are available. Dr. J. N. D. Anderson, professor of Oriental Law in London School of African and Oriental Studies, has been special lecturer for the first Con­ ference on Islamics, sponsored by the Interdenominational F o r e i g n Mis­ sions Association. Though Protestant population has remained constant at 200 million during the past 100 years, followers of Islam have more than doubled in number during the same period. Others working on the pro­ gram have been Rev. Eric Fife, Inter- Varsity Christian Fellowship; Rev. J. O. Percy, of IFMA; and Dr. H. Wilbert Norton, Trinity Seminary. Dr. M. R. DeHaon, director of the Radio Bibe Class, was special speaker at the annual Bible Conference of | the People’s Church, Toronto. Nearly , 3,000 people assembled to hear his address. Dr. Andrew Telford was also a | featured speaker during the conclave.

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