King's Business - 1960-05

• • • this issue Don't miss reading Don Hill is7 pene­ trating article on "A Christian View of the Chessman Case." Dr. Hillis has done a great deal of survey work on the sub­ ject and presents in this issue an approach to an issue which has attracted world­ wide interest. Incidentally, Dr. Hillis' re­ cent article in THE KING'S BUSINESS, "My Experiences with a Kleptomaniac" has been distributed in tract form by the thousands. Extra copies are available upon request. n

“We are backing Moody students . . . with our prayers and annuity dollars

Pictured above is The Emir of Saira, spiritual leader of the Moslems in Africa. This month, Biola graduate Joe Copeland, serving with the Pocket Testament League, writes on a subject about which missionaries in the awaking continent of Africa are well aware. Gospel laborers know that now, as never before, it is: "The Crescent or the Cross."

. . . and like other annuitants, we’re overjoyed with the double dividends! ” These young people, just as thousands of Moody Bible Institute graduates before them, are preparing for lives of Christian service . . . as missionaries, pastors, teachers and other church workers. They’re preparing to bring the message of salvation to the unsaved at home—and to the multitudes in foreign lands who have never heard the good news! Tuition-free training is made possible for these students by faithful stewards who are placing money and securities in Moody Annuities. This plan has been in effect for more than half a century—and not once in all these years has the Institute ever missed or been late with a single check. By placing y o u r money in Moody Annuities n o w , you will be assured of a regular, guaranteed income as long as you live (up to 8J/4% return, depending on your age). And in addition to the generous income, you, too, will experience the joy and peace of mind that come from having a very real part in spreading the gospel through Moody’s world-wide ministries. • • . and may w e also suggest for your consideration the Moody Deposit Agreement Plan 3 1 /y C f l IN TERE ST / ¿ / u per year c u r r e n t In this plan, you are guaranteed the current rate of 3%% per annum —with the privilege of withdrawal in case of emergency. Deposits, in multiples of $100, may be made at any time. Check coupon for further information. MAIL COUPON TODAY FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Write: Annuity Department Dept. K-O-42-2 | MOODY BIBLE INST ITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois Please send me, without obligation, complete information relating to: 0 Moody Annuity Plan. 0 Moody Deposit Agreements. Q W ills. *


B ill Bright Director, Campus Crusade for Christ I believe THE KING'S BUSINESS magazine Is one of the finest Chrls-

t I a n publica­ tions available t o d a y , a n d heartily recom­ mended t h i s publication to every Christian for a number of reasons: 1. The articles

are certain to be theologically sound. 2. The articles are scholarly, stimu­ lating and well written. 3. The reader receives practical In­ formation as an aid to daily vic­ torious, Christian living. 4. The reader Is kept Informed of Christian activities at home and abroad. I know there are many other things that one could say, but to me these are enough to indicate that one would do well to subscribe to THE KING'S BUSINESS. All these associated with this out­ standing publication are men of God, whose lives demonstrate the truth of the Gospel they preach.

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MAY, 1960

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