Blue Diamond Welcomes Three New Board Members
This year, Blue Diamond was proud to welcome three new Directors to the Board: Kristin Daley, Director-at-large, George A. te Velde, District 4 Director, and Nick Blom, District 6 Director. Get to know each of these skilled, new members, and their passion and plan to make Blue Diamond an even greater success!
Director-at-large, Kristin Daley Born in North Dakota to parents who are both from family homestead farms, Kristin Daley knows what farm life is about. Though she moved out of state when she was young, she spent her summers working back on the farm performing chores such as driving the truck to the grain elevator. Her upbringing instilled a strong affinity for agriculture, and since college, her career in strategy consulting has chiefly focused on the food industry. Daley joined the board at McCain Foods in 2013. She shares that it recently became clear to her that she could become an even stronger board member by serving on a second board to “cross-
pollinate ideas between analogous businesses” as she put it. She established four criteria for herself in seeking a new board: 1. A food company, 2. A large enough company that issues and challenges would be similar to McCain Foods, 3. A significant ag component, and 4. International scope. Blue Diamond hit all four criteria with the bonus that it is a co-op. Daley serves on several committees at McCain Foods including Audit, Comp, and ESG, which she is especially passionate about. There are fundamental commonalities between issues on like committees, making her knowledge relevant across all boards. Daley has a deep understanding of the importance of achieving environmental sustainability that fits with the strategy
Every farmer in the world thoroughly understands sustainability. Every farmer is a steward of their land. It’s an easier story to understand in a cooperative even than it is in a regular food processor.
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