التدخل العسكري الإنساني في فترة ما بعد الحرب الباردة

Periodicals F.S.Pearson, “Foreign Military Intervention and Domestic Disputes”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol.18:3, September 1974 I.W.Zartmann, „Intervention Among Developing States‟, Journal of International Affairs, Vol.22, 1986 R.J.Art, “To What Ends Military Power?”, International Security Studies, Vol.4, Spring 1980. Internet Resources . ARCHIBUGI, Daniele, Cosmopolitan Guidelines for Humanitarian Intervention, P4. available online at: ARCHIBUGI, Daniele, Cosmopolitan Guidelines for Humanitarian Intervention, Alternatives. Global, Local, Political, Vol 29, no. 1, Spring 2004, p15. Available online at: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Canada), Canada‟s foreign policy for human security (October 2001). Available online at: Kurth, James, Models of humanitarian intervention: assessing the past and discerning the future. Available online at: NEIL, Macfarlane, Concept of Intervention. available online at: PEARSON, Frederick, S. and BAUMANN, Robert, A,


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