Pediatric Health by Sensational Kidz Therapy
Pediatric Health The Newsletter About Taking Care Of The Ones That Matter Most
July 2018
“Is Your Child Behind On Developmental Milestones?” PT FOR DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYS
Every parent wants to see their child succeed, and this desire for success starts from before day one. Knowing that your child is developing properly, is born into a healthy body and mind, and is able to keep up with their peers when it comes to developmental milestones is a big subject for concern among parents of young children. (continued inside)
Inside: •PT For Developmental Delays
• Avoid Surgery After A Sports Injury
• Patient Spotlight
Pediatric Health The Newsletter About Taking Care Of The Ones That Matter Most
“There AreMany Options Pediatric Therapy Provides For ChildrenWith Delays!” July 2018 PT FOR DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYS
This concern is reinforced during every well-check, where the pediatrician will not only tell you the actual measurement of your child’s height, weight and head circumference, but will provide you with a percentile approximation so that you can immediately put that number in context and begin to compare your child to the national percentage of peer growth and development. And these are just the physical developments. Cognitive development and motor skills are just as competitive, and just as closely monitored. When delays are present, whether they are cognitive or physical, they can become a great source of stress for parents and caregivers who want to see the child succeed and be as healthy as possible. Physical therapy is a great resource for children who are experiencing any level of developmental delays. Physical Therapy for Development Delays When it comes to providing the greatest treatment options for children’s care, it is important to select a care option that is not invasive, but that can provide the child with the support they need in the area they are experiencing the delay. Medication is not an option here.There is no illness that needs to be treated so that development can resume. Instead, the body needs to be trained and encouraged in highly specific ways so that development can be supported in the areas of need. Common forms of therapy that are utilized in treating developmental delays include: • Speech therapy • Occupational therapy • Physical therapy • Behavioral therapy Physical therapy is an ideal form of intervention for when physical developmental delays are present. During physical therapy, your child is provided with direct care from an experienced physical therapist who specializes in the direct area of need. Early interventions featuring physical therapy will include strategies to encourage muscle development, ability to walk and control extremity function, and improve overall mobility. To help develop and improve traditional skills and movement abilities, physical therapists will engage in the following sort of activities: • Take measurements of your child’s strength and agility • Analyze a child’s gait, considering how a child walks or runs
• Consult with other medical professionals regarding your child’s developmental status • Provide instructions for at-home exercise and activities In doing this, your child’s physical therapist will be able to help your child with improved flexibility, increased muscle movement and control, improved ability to walk or crawl, and even increased coordination and ability to engage in adaptive play. Not all children need physical therapy, but for those who are experiencing developmental delays, physical therapy is a great resource to help improve developmental skills. Before seeking help for developmental skills it is a good idea to talk to your child’s pediatrician to determine if developmental delays are actually present, and to have a discussion with your child’s physical therapist about goals and concerns that you think physical therapy may be able to help address.
Participation in any sport, whether it’s recreational bike riding or little league football, can teach kids to stretch their limits and learn sportsmanship and discipline. But any sport also carries the potential for injury. Sports injuries in this article will be defined as injuries to the musculoskeletal system, including muscles, bones and tissues such as cartilage. The most common sports injuries include: SPRAINS: A sprain occurs when the connective tissue that joins the end of the bone with another is stretched or torn. Those connective tissues are known as ligaments. Sprains are caused by trauma such as a fall or blow to the body that knocks a joint out of position. Ankles, knees and wrists are most vulnerable to sprains. However, back, neck and shoulder sprains are very common too. STRAINS: A strain occurs when a muscle or tendon is pulled, torn or twisted. Strainsarenon-contact injuries,suchas those thatoccur fromoverstretching. A common example of a strain is a muscle spasm. A back or neck strain is a very common injury treated in physical therapy. KNEE INJURIES: According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the knee is the most commonly injured joint. Orthopedic surgeons see more than 5.5 million people annually for knee injuries, which can include runner’s knee (pain or tenderness close to the knee cap at the front side of the knee), tendonitis and iliotibial band syndrome (pain on the outer side of the knee). Severe knee injuries often include bone bruises or damage to the cartilage or ligaments. SHIN SPLINTS: Shin splints occur when there is a pain along the large bone in the front of the lower leg, known as the tibia or shin bone. Shin splints most commonly occur in runners, especially those who are just starting a running program. This is usually due to poor alignment of the body, or weakness in the leg muscles.
The team at Sensational Kidz Therapy Services can treat many orthopedic and repetitive motion injuries without the need for invasive surgeries or medications. In fact, most doctors have their patients try physical therapy first before recommending any other procedures. The licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists at Sensational KidzTherapyServicescancustomizeaprogram thataddresses theweakness of your chid’s particular musculoskeletal system, allowing them to recover quickly and remain active. Even if they have an old injury, it is important to have it evaluated by our physical therapists to prevent long-term damage. If your child has sports or orthopedic injuries like shin splints, spondylolysis, anterior knee pain or low back pain, our therapists can design a treatment plan topromote improved function,wellnessandminimize the riskof re-injury.
Patient Spotlight
“She really loves her speech teacher!”
“B. Martin takes speech therapy and has improved fastly with her talking. She really lovesherspeech teacher!Wecome twiceaweek!Thestaff isvery nice and works with us (parents) to make the appointments the best for us.The facility is very nice and is kept clean! Very nice people!” - J. Martin
CONDITIONS TREATED • Autism • Cerebal Palsy • Dizziness • Developmental Delays • Gait Abnormalities • Hand Disorders • Hypotonla • Low Back Pain • Multiple Sclerosis • Neck Pain • Physical Therapy • Post-Operative Conditions • Post-Polio Syndrome • Prematurity •SensoryProcessingDisorders • Speech & Language • Spina Bifida • Spinal Cord Injuries • Sports Injuries • Torticollis • Traumatic Brain Injuries • Vertigo • And many more • Nutritional Counseling • Occupational Therapy • Parkinson’s
At Sensational Kidz Therapy Services, you will receive hands-on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring health experts during focused and individualized sessions.
It’s time to get Sensational Kidz Therapy Services if: • You’re tired of living in pain • You want to feel better and move better • You have been in an auto accident or injured on the job • You want to prevent injury
Most Insurances Accepted
1. Call and talk to your therapist 2. Discover why your pain has come back 3. Get your custom recovery program
Do you know a child who needs therapy? Pass this on to a friend! Does Your Child Need Help with New Patients! Schedule a FREE Screening for Speech, Occupational & Physical Therapy Today!
speech, language, balance, feeding, physical therapy, walking, running, jumping, playing with others, or just being a kid?
FREDERICKSBURG (540) 841-4443
WOODBRIDGE (540) 841-4443
Sensational Kidz Therapy can further assess your child’s needs. Contact us today!
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