Gems Publishing August 2018

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waiting in line to get face painting, animal balloons, and tattoos, you’re going to talk to the parents about new trends in dentistry, answer any questions they may have, and ask them to them fill out a card for a big raffle item, such as a gas grill or television. The card they fill out is a contact form with their first name, last name, phone number, and email. Tell them that you need a phone number because you’re going to call all the raffle winners. Teams that are successful at street fairs consistently add significant surges of new patients: 10, 15, even 20 or more. The most any of our members attracted from one fair was 38 new patients. But to be one of those teams, you can’t wait for people to come over to the booth. You need to go out and actively pursue prospective patients. To find out more, watch “012 Street Fairs — How to Effectively Target and Attract Droves of New Patients Primed to Accept Treatment and Services Part II.” Digital marketing is a great way to hypertarget your practice to highly motivated patients. Mr. David Herman explains how to use Google AdWords to drive patients to your front door for the exact services you want. Looking for more implant patients? David has an army of people to create ads for you. AdWords doesn’t generate a random social media ad or a generic pop- up. If someone does a Google search for “dental implants,” AdWords can make sure your practice appears at the top of the list. For a comprehensive breakdown on how to mine this Gem, head over to “Gems Insiders’ Circle Webinars” on the website and click on “GICW 089 Herman Blow Away Production Goals With Laser-Focused Target Web Marketing.” Out of all the 9 Keys, this is the least frequently deployed but one of the easiest . Sometimes billboards just crush it. We had a member a few years back who had four billboards in her area, and she had great results with each one. When the billboard company called to tell her they had another one for lease, but it was 10 miles away, she gave it a test run, and it still did really well. If you are going to implement this strategy, contact us. I am happy to help you with the design, graphics, and phrasing. 4. Web Marketing for Dentists 5. Billboards

Almost all practices fall closer to Scenario 2, which means 98–99% of your patients are not referring to you during any given month. That’s the bad news, but it also provides an incredible opportunity. To double your referral rate, you’d only need to add 14 more new patient referrals per month. How do you get another 14 new patient referrals? If you break down the monthly numbers, that’s only three more new patient referrals per week, which is less than one a day. In order to do that, you need a system, and “071 Retreat Part III — How to Triple New Patient Referrals” is all about referral systems. Dr. Chris Phelps developed a system that resulted in a $1,000,000 increase to his practice. By laser-targeting his strategy to active, independent retirees, Chris was able to find patients who were ambulatory and active and also needed dental care. He focused on seniors who were not in managed care so he could increase his percentage of fee-for-service versus managed care (PPO) patients. One of the ways he did this was by hosting wine and cheese events. 60 people showed up at the first one, 50 of whom had not seen a dentist in over a year. What would you be able to do with 50 warm leads who would be full-fee patients!? Another Gem you can unearth for your practice is to host a value-added presentation for potential patients. The topics should be engaging but simple. For example, you can explain the oral-systemic link to prospective patients for 30–45 minutes with a 15-minute forum to field questions afterward. Contests are another great way to cultivate new patient flow. At one of his wine and cheese presentations in an active seniors community, Dr. Chris Phelps held a homeowners association raffle where the winner would have their yearly dues paid in full. He made gift bags so no attendee left empty-handed. At the end of each event, he takes pictures with the winner to promote his next contest. These are just a few examples of how you can find new patients. To take full advantage and mine this Gem to its core, navigate to the GG12 Monthly Team Training Toolkit and watch the video for yourself. 2. ‘069 Retreat Part I — Attract 933 of the Right Kind of New Patients’

3. Street Fairs

On Page 4, GG12 Coach Chuck Nemitz explains how you can find new patients by taking your team to a health fair. While health fairs and street fairs are similar, the way you market at them is very different.

Street fairs are a fun way to maximize new patient flow. The key is to find a fair that has kids and moms there. Once you’ve found the right fair, you need to bring three things: animal balloons, face paint, and rub-on tattoos. These are surefire ways to get kids to drag their mothers over to your booth and create long lines. While the kids are

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