2023 January Voice-DESKTOP-R9A0RSL

NAfME Northwest Division Conference Schedule Schedule subject to change.

Choir Taking the CODA: Community Out - reach through Deepening Artistry Coty Raven Morris Cultural Responsive Teaching A Courageous Conversation About Race in the Rehearsal Room Marcus Pimpleton Elementary Ability-Responsive Music Instruction in Early Elementary Grades Karen Salvador Elementary Engaging English Language Learners in Elementary Music Karissa Longo General Interest Music-Focused Professional Devel - opment through Virtual Professional Learning Communities Lana Hekkel General Interest Research/Best Practices Poster Ses - sion Lori Gray Jazz The Four Building Blocks: Groove, Melody, Bassline, Harmony Sammy Miller Small Schools Fundraising the fun way! Rachel Lake College Recptions 4:30-6:00 PM See 2023 Confernce Program at the event, for locations and participating schools.

Orchestra Packaging CCDEI & SEL Artifacts for the WA Teacher Evaluation Rubric (artifact template, pgp writing/SMART goals) LaSaundra Booth

Friday February 17, 11:30 AM Band “A Tale of Two Embouchures!!” Jazz and Classical Saxophone Stephan Friel Band “Make It Happen! - A new approach to the developing band method book.” Rayne Ellison Choir Celebrating the Life and Work of William L. Dawson, Recital Mark Malone Sylvia Jones, Soprano Elementary Orffrageous! Using Orff to Bridge the Gap between Classical and Popular Music Chelsea Cook Elementary Teaching Elementary Music Students to Harmonize and Improvise Karen Salvador General Interest Assessment for Learning, Preparing All Students for Success Terry Little Collegiate Money chat: Don’t eat CATFOOD when you’re 67! Danh Pham General Interest Serving Students with Special Needs: What We Need to Know Christopher Hanson

Friday February 17, 3:00 PM Advocacy Small changes to be disability friendly in your classroom Kendall Parrett Culturally Responsive teaching The Four Ls of LGBTQ+ Inclusive Strat - egies in Music Instruction Chris Dickey Band Ensemble Intonation and Time with the Yamaha Harmony Director! Danh Pham, White River Wind Ensemble, Rich Kuntzelman Friday February 17, 1:00 PM General Session Presider Tom Muller NAfME NW Division President Keynote NAfME President Scott Sheehan Northwest Division Awards Montana State Univeristy Montanans Kirk Aamot Director

Voice of Washington Music Educators Association January 2023


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