2023 January Voice-DESKTOP-R9A0RSL

Elizabeth Harvey, CWMEA President collegiate@wmea.org

Conference 101 Tips and Tricks for Collegiate WMEA Members Attending the 2023 NAfME Northwest Division Conference

T he 2023 NAfME NW Conference is right around the corner! Whether it is your first time attending or your final year attending as a collegiate member, it can be beneficial to go over some reminders in preparation for the big weekend. This article will serve as a guide for what to expect and how to get organized for the conference before February rolls around. Conference is an incredible opportunity for growth and connection within the music education community, so make the most of the experience by planning ahead! Scheduling and Planning First and foremost, if you have not already registered, visit https://register.opusevent.com and register as a Col - legiate attendee before January 31 for the discounted rate ($35)! The 2023 Conference will run Thursday February 16th through Sunday February 19th, but we recommend collegiate members plan on getting to the venue around 7:30am on Friday February 17th because sessions begin at 8:30am and this gives you time to check in, collect your conference packet, and locate the room of your first ses - sion. If you attend a university that is not within commuting distance from Bellevue, you should plan on getting a hotel room in the area. To reduce costs, we recommend finding roommates, inquiring about student/conference discount rates, and being flexible with distance. Keep an eye on the WMEA website for the conference schedule so you can begin planning which sessions you’re interested in attending each day/time slot: https://wmea. org/conferences/conference-information-and-registration/ All the different options may seem overwhelming, but having an idea of what you might benefit from in your future career can help you orient yourself around the con - ference. Sessions are categorized into several categories: Band, Choir, Orchestra, Elementary, Jazz, Administration, General Interest, Culturally-Responsive Teaching, Small Schools and Collegiate. Even if you know what you want to specialize in, we recommend you dip your toe into a little of everything. There is a lot to learn from areas you might not necessarily see yourself pursuing in your career. Networking One of the most important parts of the conference for collegiate attendees is networking! First, it can be really beneficial (and fun!) to connect with other Music Educa - tion majors from other universities. The collegiate music education community in Washington is growing, so it is important to build bridges with all future colleagues! Second, and arguably more importantly, is networking with future mentor teachers. You may be thinking “I don’t want to bother the ‘real’ teachers at the conference”, but

you’d be surprised how enthusi - astic the veteran teachers are to

help college students. Think carefully through how you will introduce yourself (a brief two sentence “who I am” state - ment) and what you are looking for from the conversation. For example, here is mine: “Hello, my name is Liz Harvey, I am a senior at Central Washington University! I saw your [school’s ensemble] perform at [concert] and I was total - ly blown away. Do you have a second to chat about your approach to programming?” Stay true to your personality, but be confident and professional. (See below for details on a more specifically organized networking opportunity.) Recommended Attire The unspoken, but highly recommended attire for col - legiate members attending the conference is business casual . Think: slacks, not jeans, cardigans/blazers, not sweatshirts, dress shirts, not t-shirts. However, with all the walking and standing that comes with the conference, comfortable shoes are much more important than dress shoes. We also recommend layering, as you might find yourself walking between buildings and Bellevue gets quite cold in February. You may notice some of the veter - an teachers dressed more casually and think “then why do I need to dress up?” Just remember, dress for the job you want. Some of the other conference attendees could become your future mentors or employers, so it is in your best interest for them to see you as a professional upon first impression. With all this guidance considered it is still important to express yourself! Wear what makes you com- fortable and confident as a young professional. Your outer appearance is really just one small aspect of your profes - sional presentation. Collegiate Events There are two important sessions at the conference for col - legiates to put on their schedule. 1. Each day of the conference, there will be a des - ignated “Networking Center” (location TBD) for future teachers and veteran teachers to connect. Each volunteering mentor teacher will have a sign to identify their content area and to break the ice for college students looking to chat casually with experienced professionals. 2. Sunday, February 19th at 10:00-11:15am in Hyatt

Regency Ballroom EFG will be the Collegiate Reception for all college student attendees at the conference! This will be very similar to the “Collegiate Pasta Dinner” (free refreshments,

See CWMEACollegiate President, Page 41

Voice of Washington Music Educators Association January 2023


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