2023 January Voice-DESKTOP-R9A0RSL

Continuing Articles

Gupta, Reena. “Does Smoking Affect the Voice?” Center for Vo- cal Health | ENT & Laryngology , Center for Vocal Health | ENT & Laryngology, 8 Feb. 2022, https://www.centerforvocalhealth. com/blog/does-smoking-affect-the-voice. “Why Is Sleep Important?” National Heart Lung and Blood Institute , U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/sleep/why-sleep-impor - tant#:~:text=During%20sleep%2C%20your%20body%20 is,long%2Dterm)%20health%20problems. “Benefits of Therapy for Yourself, Family, and Relationships.” Healthline , 23 Oct. 2020, https://www.healthline.com/health/ benefits-of-therapy. “A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation.” Mayo Clinic , Mayo Foun - dation for Medical Education and Research, 29 Apr. 2022, https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/meditation/in- depth/meditation/art-20045858. “Musician’s Health and Safety.” Musician’s Health and Safety | Seattle Pacific University , https://spu.edu/academics/col - lege-of-arts-sciences/music/current-student-resources/musi - cians-health-and-safety. “How to Meditate.” Mindful , 15 Nov. 2022, https://www.mind - ful.org/how-to-meditate/. @classicalwellness on Instagram if the next session is in a different building. ● You do not have to stay in sessions you decide you don’t like. Of course we want to encourage you to get to sessions early and stay to avoid disruptions, but if a session is not what you are expecting, you can always leave and find something else that would be more beneficial to your learning. ● Keep an open mind! Even if you feel you are des - tined to become a high school choir director, it can be incredibly beneficial to attend sessions outside your content area. For example, if you are inter - ested in band, the jazz category could provide lots of valuable insight if you inherit a jazz program, or if you are interested in elementary, the culturally responsive teaching category can help you better understand student development. As always, we would really love your feedback! First time attendees: we want to hear about your experience. Returning members: let us know what you thought was better/not as good about this conference compared to previous ones you’ve attended. Please also let us know any suggestions for what you’d like to see at future confer - ences. Contact Liz Harvey (WMEA Collegiate President) and Anna Messenger (CWMEA President-Elect) at wmeacollegiate@ gmail.com or @wmeacollegiate on Instagram!

connection with ourselves and the world around us. For music majors: spending time in nature can be re - freshing and a great way to ground yourself. Go on a walk, take a hike, and experience the sights, scents, and sounds around you. Meditation has many benefits, including bet - ter focus, less anxiety, and increased self-awareness (Mayo Clinic). There are multiple ways to meditate, so find what works for you! For those who are religious, set aside time to practice and connect with your faith. Spiritual health can also be refinding and connecting to that passion that drove us to pursue a music education degree. Message a former teacher, listen to a favorite piece you performed, reminisce while looking at pictures, or anything that can help reignite that passion for music and make the work we do feel less like a chore, and more like the hobby we love and inspired us to be where we are today. You’ll find that these five pillars overlap with one another - improvement in one area will positively affect the other. Conversely, a lack of wellness in one pillar can have a negative effect on the others. Your whole self needs and deserves to be taken care of to have success in your personal and professional lives. It’s easy to say and difficult to apply, but essential for our ultimate well-being. References and resources CWMEA President-Elect: continued from page 34 CWMEA Colligiate President: continued from page 35 collegiate-only social space for networking, etc.), but with the added bonus of the inclusion of all collegiate members from each of our NW states attending the conference! This will be a great opportunity for you to network and socialize with music education majors from all other the Northwest United States! The next CWMEA President-Elect will also be announced at this event (so be sure to encourage your peers to apply!) Tips for First-Time Attendees ● Bring snacks! Friday and Saturday will be long days with lots of walking, it’s important to keep your energy up. ● Check out the exhibit hall. Many of our colle - giate members find great deals on sheet music, instruments, accessories, etc. from our awesome vendors. ● Try to make connections, with both other college students and with potential mentor teachers. It may be more comfortable to stick with peers/col - leagues from your university, but conference is a great opportunity to network. You’d be surprised how enthusiastic veteran teachers are to connect with college students. ● When planning which sessions you want to attend, be sure to account for walking distance/travel time

Voice of Washington Music Educators Association January 2023


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