2023 January Voice-DESKTOP-R9A0RSL

Continuing Articles

Band, from page 31 benefit from having multiple ways to teach fundamental concepts. I learn a great deal about my own students by watching them work with other professionals— it’s enlightening and, sometimes, humbling. Take notes on what the adjudicators say—especially solo/ensemble clinicians for instruments that you are less proficient on. Seek out large-group festivals where the clinics are public. Attend performances! Seek out professional and collegiate concerts. Many colleges across the country (and internationally) livestream their concerts nowadays. Even if the repertoire is not the same level that you teach, having that elevated level of tone, time, blend, balance, intonation, etc. in your soul helps fight “ear warp.” We need to remind our brains about what is possible so that we can help encourage our students to grow and improve. Our bands are only as good as our own musicianship and concept. Engraving the ideal band sound clarifies our blueprint so that we can construct the best ensemble we can.” UL: “Mallory Thompson was at the 2020 WMEA conference and talked about conducting among other things. Her goals with conducting were so clear and well informed. Her session showed me how effective good conducting could be. Amanda Christian gave a session on Accessibility and Universal Design. Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning are not topics that were ever discussed in any of my classes from the education department. Christian’s session reframed my understanding of classroom management and helped me see the whole world with new eyes. Watching Bob Rink rehearse helped me see a more ideal method of teaching. Being in my first year of teaching has distorted my perception of how a rehearsal should feel. I often struggle through a rehearsal, and I can sense that my students feel negatively about it as well. When Rink was on the podium I felt at ease and engaged. Witnessing a master teacher at work gives me lots to aspire to every day.” PH: “My most meaningful PD experiences have been attending Midwest, my friendships with band directors from across the state, and bringing great clinicians in to work with our bands at Moses Lake High School.” Next month we all have a fabulous opportunity to fill our cups with enrichment, inspiration, and friendship. I hope to see you all at the National Association for Music Education Northwest Conference in Bellevue! Find me and say hi, let’s grab a coffee and chat. I’ll be the one wearing a navy blue suit! Please take time to view more of Cori, Ume, and Pablo’s answers here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1HiSg4mif63ipL0Obh_2Kvz8m2TUsRbzraiy5SnMGko/ edit?usp=sharing

Jazz, from Page 37

Firm Roots : Bob Berg Solo (1’20”) ( Eastern Rebellion 2, Cedar Walton) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek2tkcpb_dk Minority : Cannonball Adderley Solo (0’43”) ( Portrait of Cannonball, Cannonball Adderley ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VacwnfTwHxs Straight No Chaser : Clark Terry Solo (0’32”) ( Clark Terry and Bob Brookmeyer, Jazz 625 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wKLBLgkSBk Groovin: J.J. Johnson Solo (1’13”) ( The Emminent J.J. Johnson ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wKLBLgkSBk Meeting our students this time of year with creativity, connection, and curiosity might just be the best gift we could give them (and ourselves). Let’s make it a goal to hit that learning target: I can be present, pleasant, and playful . (I promise there won’t be a rubric.) Orchestra, “A Sufferer’s Guide”, from page 38

Advertisers Index Robert Musser Conducting Scholarship.............................2 Young Musicins Excelling...................................................6 Peripole.............................................................................7 Western Washongton University......................................12 Northwest University........................................................25 University of Montana.....................................................25 Music Aid Northwest.......................................................28 Pacific Lutheran University..............................................40 University of Puget Sound...............................................44 Music in our Schools Month............................................50 EasternWashington University........................................51 Thank you to our advertisers, sponsors and exhibitors for making things happen at our conference and other events!

Voice of Washington Music Educators Association January 2023


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