Executive Board members present: Ron Gerhardstein, President; Frank Lewis, President-Elect, Karen Helseth, Past President; Maegan Ley, Vice President; Carole Leander, Secretary-Treasurer; Carol Pederson, Administration; Meghan Wagner, Band; Kasey Eck, Choral; Bruce Walker, College/University; Elizabeth Harvey, Collegiate President; Courtney Vetter, Elementary East; Kelly Fos - ter Griffin, Elementary West; Jeff Chang, Jazz; Rachel Lake, Small Schools; Jerilynn Harris, Orchestra; Anna Messenger, CWMEA President-Elect Executive Board members absent: Andy Robertson, Connections Ex-Officio members present: Scott Ketron, Executive Director WMEA Staff present: Erin Dyvig (via zoom), Finance Coordina - tor; John Weatherington; Student Events Guests present: Stephen Pickard and Beth Fortune (Nafme pre - sentation) I. Call to Order and Welcome II . Consent Agenda- Approve Meeting Minutes- WMEA Execu - tive Board Meeting, June 4, 2022 A. Karen Helseth moves to approve. Maegan Ley seconds. (aye/15, no/0) III. Reports A. Meeting Protocols / RRO* - Ron 1. Brainstormed qualities of a good and productive meeting. 2. Went over discussion protocols and expectations for Robert’s Rule of Order. B. WMEA Budget 101 (Budget Review)* – Scott and Erin 1. Erin explained that accounts are the “what,” while the classes organize transactions into categories and we reviewed the revenue and expense account numbers. 2. Erin went over the budget at a glance and explained the different categories. 3. Biennium Honor Group forecast: a. Anticipated 2023 Participants 1,461 (all-north - west year) b. Anticipated 2024 Participants 1,039 (all-state year) c . Our fiscal year runs from July 1, 2022 to June, 30, 2023. There was some discussion around all-state auditions and the difficulty in particular for 9th graders to play the material and get accepted. An additional topic of discussion was centered around the equity and type of excerpts used. C. Finance Committee Report* - Erin and Scott 1. Reviewed current account balances and average monthly profit/loss. Washington Music Educators Association State Assembly, Executive Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday August 9, 2022 and Wednesday August 10, 2022 Location: Immanuel Presbyterian Church 901 N. J Street Tacoma, WA 98403
2. Considered net profit/loss by biennium comparison with/without PPE loans. 3. Reviewed overall budget, revenues and expenses budgeted vs. actual amounts. 4. Scott explained the partner membership with schools and businesses and how that membership covers audition fees for those partner schools. D . Executive Director Report* - Scott 1. Need for WMEA to be even more of an advocacy group for Music Education 2. Prospect to move the office to save on rental costs. E. NAfME Leadership Assembly 2022 – Ron 1. Ron shared reflections and specifics from the na - tional assembly in June. 2. NAfME realizes that change is needed, but that change is hard. He was impressed with the national leaders and their passion for progress. 3. NAfME values the state MEAs and wants to provide more support. 4. Scott mentioned that the Country Music Associa - tion has grants available. Beth Fortune and Stephen Pickard are regional council repre- sentatives for the national assembly and shared some updates to the NAfME new strategic plan. Councils are groups of people from around the united states to create content, be a resource and a sounding board for local members . S tephen Pickard- Chair of the Council for Band Education • NAfME desires to get ahead of issues • Has a desire to change the perception of NAfME for members and non-members • NAfME’s desires nationally to better represent a range of backgrounds in their PD and to highlight underrepresented composers Beth Fortune- Chair of the Council for Orchestra Education • Saw a lot of moves in other divisions toward equi- ty/representation • Discussion about the roadblocks for people going into our profession • Data showed that the number of orchestra pro- grams nationally is of concern. 6. NAfME 2022 Strategic Plan Draft is due Nov. 2022 with roll-out in Jan. 2023. F. WMEA Staffing Update - Scott 1. John Wetherington has replaced Bruce Gutgesell as student events coordinator. G. NW Conference 2023 Update – Scott 1. Registration ideally will open in mid-Sept. after things are set-up in Opus. 2. One of the priorities of our current Northwest president is Small Schools. 3. We need to encourage more session proposals for choir and orchestra. 4. Discussion ensued about scheduling multiple types of the same content sessions at the same time. A. OPUS Events Restructuring- 1. Docusign discussion and decision- Information was presented regarding adding docusign to our opus IV. Old Business
Voice of Washington Music Educators Association January 2023
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