1. Committee Structur e for 2022-24 Biennium 2. Ad-Hoc Committees- Advocacy, Finance/Fundrais - ing, Equity, Connections and Innovations 3. Bruce Walker motioned to adopt the WMEA Com - mittee structure for the biennium. Meghan Wagner seconded the motion. (ayes 15) (nays 0) G. Review and Approval of Continuing Education (Clock Hour) Evaluation Forms 1. Report and discussion lead by Scott and Ron 2. Rachel Lake motioned to approve the comments from the conference and communicate to OSPI that we have done so. Jerilynn Harris seconded the motion. ayes (15) nays (0) H. WMEA Executive Board Outreach. Ron encouraged the board to communicate consistently with their regions. I. WMEA / WIAA – Music Educator of the Year 1. Discussion, explanation and nomination form sent to board members and region presidents. 2. The form is also available on the WMEA website. J. DEI - Karen 1. Current projects include- a. An examination of the by-laws to find things that no longer match the vision.
subscription to streamline the approval signature process for all-state and all-northwest auditions. 2. Karen Helseth moved that we approve the addition of docusign. Bruce Walker seconded the motion. Vote: ayes (15) no (0) A. Board Training 1. Board Communications- Board was asked to update the spreadsheet with accurate email. B. Voice Magazine* 1. Board member Voice articles are due one month prior to publication. 2. Ron shared potential article topics. C. YME 1. Scott explained the history of YME and the need to boost donations after the pandemic to support students who have a need. 2. Music Matters license plate revenue and grant proposals. Next year will have two grant application opportunities in November and March. 3. Board Meeting Schedule* D. State Solo and Ensemble Contest 1. Brief Overview – procedures and timeline. https://wmea.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ RuleChangeProcedure.pdf 2. The State Solo and Ensemble Contest will be held April 28/29, 2023. 3. There are rule changes affecting 2022-2023 contests.https://wmea.org/wp-content/ uploads/2022/08/WMEA_WIAA-State-Solo- Ensemble-NEW-rules-for-2023.pdf, email johnw@ wmea.org with questions. 4. Encourage 2024 rule change feedback, sent to rulechange@wmea.org. Rule change process information can be found on our website under the Student Events/Solo and Ensemble tab. 5. Rule Change proposals https://wmea.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/ WMEA_WIAA-State-Solo-Ensemble-rule-change- proposals-for-2024.pdf 6. All-State Eligibility – 2 nd Reading (proposal from CBMEA*) 2.6 Where there is no corresponding musical group offered at the student’s school for their primary instrument (eg: no string program), a student may submit an audition on that instrument, but they must be a member of another accredited music ensem- ble at their school (eg: band or choir), and apply through their school music teacher. V. New Business Rationale: This proposed rule change provides additional equity to All State participation for students who attend schools without particular music programs. eg: string class. Kelly Foster-Griffin moved to accept the proposal as written, Frank Lewis seconded the motion. Vote: ayes (8 ) no (7) E. Reviewed and explained the process for proposing a rule change. How to do a proposal for change in WMEA - Google Slides* F. Committee Assignments (2022-2024)* - Ron
b. Plan to reach out to educators who may not be members to see how the organization could better support them. c. Communicating clearly the process to pres - ent and prepare proposals for change in the organization.
K. Conference Prep for Yakima 2024
1. 2024 Session proposals close in April 2023. 2. Performing and demo group auditions also due April 2023. 3. Discussion of board duties and responsibilities before and during the conference.
L. WMEA Housing Policy* Board reviewed at length the policy adopted in 2020, what the implementation looks like for Bellevue 2023 and how to help teachers understand changes. VI. Upcoming Events A. S eptember 1, 2022: honor group auditions open 1. October 5th NW and WMEA HS auditions close 2. October 4th Youth Choir auditions close 3. October 6th Junior All-State auditions close B. October 2nd Northwest Division Board Meeting (WMEA Presidents attend) C. August 10-October 15, 2022 Commentary period for rule
changes sent to studentevents@wmea.org D. November 5, 2022 Board Meeting (Zoom) VI. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 2pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Carole Leander, Secretary-Treasurer September 6th, 2022
Voice of Washington Music Educators Association January 2023
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