Roz Strategies - January February 2020

Sharon A. Lewis, EA Mastermind Member Spotlight

Sharon Lewis took on her first IRS problem case years before she ever even considered tax resolution as a profession. Her first client was her mother. “She was a stay-at-home mom, and when my dad died, she didn’t know anything about taxes.” Sharon shared that her mom paid someone to do her taxes, but they did them wrong. Sharon recalls, “I was in my mom’s kitchen and opened the cupboard where she kept the

procedure. “So, the other day, I actually sat down and did the steps. I told my client, ‘I’m just not sure we’re the right firm for you, but let’s go through some questions and see if this is actually going to work.’ And when I gave the guy the price, he was like, ‘Yeah, I could do that.’ I just sat there thinking, ‘Why have I been so resistant to doing things Michael’s way?’ I had been selling myself short.”

measuring cups and mixing bowls, and out poured all this mail, including notices from the IRS. My mom said, ‘I owe this money, I can’t pay it, and they’ve frozen my bank account.’” Sharon researched the options and helped her mom get into “currently not collectible” status until the statute of limitations ran out. Not bad for someone who was just getting started on a degree in accounting! After Sharon received her

Sharon has also used the Audit Protection add- on to good advantage, bringing in an additional $6,000–$8,000 in revenue. “Last year, we were not very consistent,” she admits, “but we’re going to be more consistent this year.” And when she attended the last Roz Strategies Success Summit this past August, she signed up for Michael’s mastermind group, saying she wasn’t going to let another year pass her by watching other people from the mastermind get up on stage and say what they accomplished

bachelor’s in accounting, she went the “regular tax route,” but every once in a while, her tax prep clients would come in with unfiled returns and tax problems. And just like she did for her mother, Sharon would research options. “I had no clue what I was doing,” Sharon says, adding she was never afraid to figure it out. Soon after, she studied to take the enrolled agent’s exam. “More cases came in, and I was stumbling my way through tax resolution like a blind person in a maze. When I ran into Michael’s materials, I was excited!” She bought Michael’s Tax Resolution Domination System & Toolkit at his initial launch, and she’s never looked back. “Here was somebody with an idea of what’s going on in tax resolution. I didn’t have to figure it all out for myself anymore.”

by being in the group. Sharon says she’s looking for some accountability. “I’m going to go find the successful people, and I’m going to walk in their steps.” Sharon has this advice for colleagues: “Don’t be afraid to do what Michael tells you to do. Just suck it up, go through this year, and do what Michael tells you to do. You have to go through it. You can’t go around it. You have to go through it to get results.” Sharon and her husband of 30 years have a 13-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter. The busy household also includes two rescue dogs, a chiweenie (Chihuahua/ dachshund mix) and a poodle. Sharon says she would like to read, if she had time! Instead, her hobbies seem to consist of being the baseball/softball mom and going to her kids’ games.

But knowing and doing are two different things. Sharon admits she has been slow to follow Michael’s intake

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