The Law Apprenticeships Guide 2025

Meet the apprentice

Josh Ovens (he/him) RPC

Josh Ovens is a solicitor apprentice at RPC. He’s currently studying in the general liability department.

Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship?

I studied law at A level and up to that moment it was the only subject that I wanted to take further. My teacher advised me to consider applying for a legal apprenticeship, which were fairly new at the time. After discovering that I could earn while studying and obtain a degree without any student debt, I realised the benefits of qualifying via this route. I also valued having work experience – the apprenticeship route was a better fit for me as it allowed me to obtain the relevant experience that would benefit me later in my career.

What’s a typical day at work like?

RPC has a hybrid working policy, meaning I can choose to work from home or the office. I start by checking my emails and ensuring that I’m up to date on any new tasks. Once I’m caught up, I work on the tasks that need completing for the day and/or week. These can be wide ranging and include drafting, bundling, research and budgeting. As the apprenticeship has progressed, the amount and complexity of the work has increased, leading to more responsibility, which also ensures that I can complete all the skills that must be included in my apprenticeship portfolio. I also have quarterly catch ups with my line manager at RPC and am assigned a supervisor within the team I’m working in to assist with any questions I might have, and provide support for tasks I’m working on.

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