The Law Apprenticeships Guide 2025

Key questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about legal apprenticeships.

How do I know whether law is the right career for me? At this early stage, ask yourself some key questions as a starting point. Do you find legal issues interesting? Are you intrigued by the ways in which the law is part of everyday life? Is there an area (eg, crime, the environment or human rights) that’s caught your attention? Are you the kind of person who’d thrive in a fast-paced environment? The best way to find out whether law is for you is by talking to lawyers and doing some quality work experience in the profession. What skills and strengths do you need to be a good lawyer? Several important skills are needed to be a good lawyer. Many of them are developed during your academic studies, while others become apparent in your working life – the advantage of developing them as an apprentice is that you’ll be doing both simultaneously. The attributes that most recruiters look for include: intellectual ability; motivation; accuracy; teamwork; leadership; commercial awareness (ie, an interest in the business world); and communication skills. If you have the majority of these, law could be a good option!

Haven’t all lawyers been to private schools and Oxbridge? Most law firms understand that

the best workforces are representative of the whole community. Most employers have their own diversity policies to ensure that they provide a welcoming and supportive environment for people whatever their gender, ethnicity, sexuality, age or socioeconomic background, for example. In fact, legal apprentice schemes are one of the ways that law firms are trying to attract and recruit a more diverse group of employees. Who can become an apprentice? Many legal apprenticeships are aimed at students who want to move into a vocation after completing their GCSEs or A levels. Most legal apprentices have recently finished secondary education, but apprenticeships are also open to mature candidates (eg, those who’ve had a previous career) and graduates (ie, graduate solicitor apprenticeships).

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