The Law Apprenticeships Guide 2025

Do I have to study A-level law to be an apprentice? In short, no. A levels are about studying subjects you find

What do I need to know about my first day at work? Your first day in any job can be intimidating; however, most

interesting and developing key skills – specialist legal training comes later. Also, very few universities list A-level law as a requirement, even for those wanting to start a law degree, so it’s not essential. In fact, you can become a lawyer without ever completing a law degree by choosing a non-law degree, completing a law conversion course and then passing the SQE assessments or doing the Bar course. Achieving good grades is important, whichever subjects you choose. Go for subjects that you enjoy and do well in to give yourself the best chance of passing with flying colours. It’s much better to get As and Bs in three subjects than to get Bs and Cs in four, so don’t give yourself too much to do.

firms have comprehensive induction programmes for new joiners. You may also find yourself starting on the same day as other apprentices, so there are likely to be other people in the same boat as you. Some firms will assign you a trainee buddy or mentor to help you adjust to working life. Be yourself, ask questions, show enthusiasm and pretty soon you’ll feel right at home. One note on dress code: lawyers are business people and their clients expect them to look the part. While some firms are more relaxed than others, your best bet is to arrive looking well presented. That doesn’t mean spending a fortune on tailor-made outfits, but it does mean arriving on your first day dressed appropriately.

Should I go to my careers service? Your school careers service is a brilliant resource. They can help you with application and interview

techniques, suggest places to look for further information on becoming a lawyer, and even help you to secure informal work experience or shadowing with a law firm.

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