Go Magazine | Issue 60


in teenagers. Women who lose iron through heavy menstrual periods may be more at risk of deficiency if their diet is inadequate. Endurance athletes, vegetarians and people favouring extreme or restrictive diets may also experience iron shortfalls. Iron-rich foods include liver, beef, and lamb; vegetable sources are berries, beans, leafy greens, peas, dried fruits, seeds, yeast, kelp and wheatbran. Selenium: This trace mineral acts as an antioxidant, countering the free radicals that damage DNA and accelerate the ageing process, and helping to prevent diseases triggered by free radical damage, such as cataracts, cancer and heart disease. Research also suggests that supplementing with selenium results in a lower risk of certain cancers, including of the prostate, ovaries, bladder and liver. Selenium is found in Brazil nuts, garlic, poultry, seafood, oats and brown rice. Zinc: A crucial mineral for a strong immune system, zinc is in- volved in hundreds of body process- es, from making and repairing DNA to wound healing, sexual health, thyroid health, fertility and immunity. Taking

zinc helps to protect the body from patho- genic bacteria and viruses, notably colds and flu, as well as mouth ulcers. It may also play a role in preventing and help- ing other immune-related diseases, such as fibromyalgia and arthritis. Good food sources include meat, eggs and seafood (particularly oysters); pumpkin seeds, nuts and wheatgerm also provide zinc. Iodine: Iodine only has one job to do in the body, but it is a critical one: to support thyroid health by triggering the thyroid gland to make thyroxine, the hormone that regulates metabolism in all the body’s cells, which in turn controls growth and development in children, body temperature, reproduction, nerve and muscle function and the growth of nails and hair. Seaweed products, notably kelp, dulse and nori, are rich natural

sources of iodine; it is also found in seafood and fish.

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