Go Magazine | Issue 60

I N PROF I LE Cleanse & energise!

T he Go Vita team of experts have put together an easy guide to all-natural detoxification techniques for increased energy. In an ideal world, your body is designed to keep you in perfect health. However, the unfortunate reality of much of modern life – environmental toxins, processed foods

enough exercise and sleep all conspire to upset the body’s natural balance and rob you of energy and fitness, as well as create an opportunity for more serious diseases to start. Detoxification is a powerful way to enhance your body’s own natural and remarkable powers of rejuvenation. Read on to learn how to utilise nutrition, meditation, herbs and lifestyle choices to ease your body back to wellness. 1 Reduce your exposure to toxins: You’ve heard it before, but it is worth repeating: You are what you eat. Pesticides, herbicides and other poisonous chemicals are a primary source of toxicity for our bodies and the Earth. However, a few simple steps will greatly reduce your exposure to toxins. Detoxification is a powerful way to enhance your body’s own natural and remarkable powers of rejuvenation. Make it a point to eat fresh foods in season; less processed foods will provide more nutrients and protective antioxidants, and they also contain fewer additives. Try to buy only – or at least mostly - organic produce, especially meat and poultry that has not been given hormones or other drugs. Expand your food choices: many of us get into a dietary rut, eating the same foods over and over. Invest in a good home water purifier which will capture contaminants. Substitute natural materials instead of synthetics wherever possible – solid wood not particle board, down or wool instead of foam, and nontoxic natural household cleaning

products and personal care items like shampoo and moisturiser. Explore natural remedies and complementary therapies, like acupuncture and homeopathy, to reduce or even eliminate reliance on prescription medication which can place a strain on the liver. 2 Manage stress: Under stress, your body goes into ‘survival mode’ and the adrenal glands release more adrenaline, which in turn raises heart rate and blood pressure and has a dampening effect on non-urgent body functions like immunity and digestion. Lowering the level of stress in your life is a powerful step towards creating health. What makes you feel tense or unhappy? Promise yourself to change anything in your life that doesn’t bring you joy. Learn to identify attitudes and triggers that contribute to your stress and to practise healthier ways of relaxing and thinking. Therapy and self-help techniques like deep- breathing exercises, meditation, regular exercise, getting sufficient sleep and rest, identifying stressful attitudes and cultivating loving relationships are all effective tools. 3 Add herbs: Purifying herbs stimulate the elimination of waste, increase urination, encourage perspiration, stimulate circulation, enhance immune function and improve digestion. During a cleansing program, it may be helpful to use a variety of herbs both internally and externally to improve your body’s natural detoxification processes. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) , coriander (Coriandrum sativum) , red clover (Trifolium pratense) , turmeric (Curcuma longa) , dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and burdock (Arctium lappa) are all useful for enhancing a detoxification program – swap coffee for soothing turmeric tea or dandelion ‘coffee’. Talk to a Go Vita health consultant instore about the most suitable herbs for you.

with added chemicals, stress, prescription and recreational drugs, heavy metals, too

much alcohol and caffeine and not


ISSUE 60 • 2021

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