King's Business - 1919-11

The Great Combines

Preparing for Anti-Christ

From A n Address Recently G rJen A t a Great Prophetic Conference in England, and printed in the Prophetic FJevte


ceiving guidance and knowledge in un­ derstanding the signs of the time. You look at the world around us to­ day, and you find that the whole of the political world is engaged in discussing the League of Nations, and they are ex­ pecting that somehow or other that League of Nations must produce univer­ sal peace, and that we are well on the' way to a Millennium produced by man’s device and wisdom. Then you find, again, that social reformers are all busy with plans for reconstruction, engaging their attention upon moral and ethical subjects which are more or less for the well-being of the community at large. You find that so-called democracy has come to the front and is controlling things, and will doubtless more and more control us, and control this na­ tion and every other nation. One of the most significant events that has hap­ pened in recent years has happened this week—rthe ultimatum of the police force. Think for five minutes what that means, and you will realize how signifi­ cant are the changes being made for the government and for the country. But, side by side with those matters, we have a movement in the religious spheres, and you can easily trace the line of direction in religious matters that are leading up to some great united movement. What I want to point out is this—the very suggestion given to us in those words that I have quoted—that in all these directions the outstanding

VANT to take your thought to words in Rev. 13. There we have a picture of two “Beasts” that arise. I want especially to ask your at­ tention to the sixteenth and seventeenth verses: “And

he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” This is dealing, as you will instantly perceive, with material, and social, and political, as well as re-: ligious matters; and I want just as briefly as I can to point out what seems to me to be the indications of the times around us—that we are fast approach­ ing the experience symbolized in the words of these. two verses. It is a strange thing, that comparatively few ministers and Christian teachers today have even now seen any connection be­ tween the prophecies of Scripture and the war, and the things that have fol­ lowed the war. There are numbers whose eyes have been opened; there is an increasing number of Christian be­ lievers in the land, I believe, tens of thousands of earnest Christians in the churches, who, although they never get teaching on this subject from the pulpit, yet are studying their Bibles and read­ ing such illuminating works as those of Mr. Panton and others, and are re­

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