King's Business - 1919-11



purpose of them all is that they involve a combination of nations, a combination of industries, a combination of political powers, a combination of religious forces. It is all combination that is go­ ing to be worked from headquarters. Every man must come into the combin­ ation, into the union, or else he will not be able to live, to buy, or sell. In all directions in the world today you can see this movement, which is fast ma­ turing towards a great universal control of combinations, which will be worked from headquarters. There are two essential movements that we see in the world around us to­ day. The world is being reconstructed. What for? To make possible the com­ ing into power of some personality, or some force, or some combination which is going to absolutely control man, and is going to produce the biggest boycott the world has ever seen. Then you find that another force operating today is the waking of Christian believers. The more serious and thoughtful Christian believers in all the chtirches, and out­ side the churches, are beginning to realize that we are in the midst of a programme, that a part of God’s Word has already been fulfilled, and as a part has been fulfilled, we must inevitably expect that the other part must also be fulfilled. • Then we see around us, in connection with the first movement that I sug­ gested, a revival of anti-Christian forces and systems. There is, in the first instance, Spiritism, which is reviv­ ing today in a marvelous fashion and becoming popular. The newspapers, largely the tools of the devil, are en­ couraging it. I say that, because if there is anything contrary to God’s Word that any man in a public position will give utterance to, it goes into the papers; but anything in accordance with God’s teaching, it is often very difficult indeed to get into the papers. As soon as Spiritism began to be popular in cer­

tain' quarters, the newspapers took it up. They want it because it is so heter­ odox, and because anything against the Scriptures appeals to the public mind today. Then in connection with the other, the anti-Christian movement, you find that there is being popularized to­ day in some spheres a movement to break down the Lord’s Day. It is all in the same direction. Also, you cannot but be aware of the craze for amuse­ ment, for games. It is that, I suppose, which has given rise to the demand that there shall be a breaking down of the Sabbath Day. But, side by side with this, you find —and I think it will be the testimony of all Christians of experience today— that there is a revival of true spiritual life manifest, that there is an earnest longing on the part of God’s true people to be prepared under the power of the Holy Spirit for the great day of His ap­ pearing, and that there is a separation taking place even in the Church itself. There are those who are looking to mere religious forms, to creeds and other things. On the other hand, there are those who have perception to see that a spiritual Church can only be built on spiritual lines, and with thé key of Scripture before them, they are laying' their plans and doing their work, and looking for His return, and doing it all in the light of it. These are the two separate forces at work around us to­ day. God’s people are becoming more and more a united force. We can meet together and discuss what God has to say to us concerning the coming of Christ, the return of our Lord; we can meet today on a common platform, and we do not ask each other, “Do you be­ long to this, or that, or any section?” but we can stand here as children of God “looking for and hasting unto the day of the Lord.” I want to point out now, that this Book has foretold exactly those conditions that I have described. You can see for yourselves in various

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