King's Business - 1919-11



v. 2. Into the Lord’s house. If we will choose the sphere of our tempta­ tion, then let us not blame God if we fall into a snare. If God will choose t h e temptation COMMENTS FROM and choose the MANX SOURCES p l a c e o f i t s K. L. Brooks application and Himself preside over the conflict, we will be more than conquerors. People’s Bible. Some men put themselves into the way of the devil and beckon him with their finger to come and work his will.—Sel. Al­ ways distinguish between the tempta­ tions of a beneficent providence and those which men bring upon themselves. —Parker. Give them wine. This com­ mandment on God’s part was intended, as is evident from the context, not to induce them to drink but to test their fidelity to their father’s commission and thus to use them as an illustration for the house of Israel. There is a specific commandment in God’s Word for an in­ dividual named Timothy to drink a little wine as a hygienic measure (1 Tim. 5:22 ), but that commandment was given to a specific individual for a spe­ cific purpose to meet a specific need in his case.—Torrey. Did the Lord make a proposal to total abstainers to drink wine? Is this the meaning of the prayer “Lead us not into temptation” ? Is not the Lord always leading men into temptation in the sense which signifies the testing of principles, purposes and character? The Lord tries every man. We are not men until we have been thus moulded, tried and qualified.— Parker. We cannot be healed by max­ ims. There is one Refiner. He sits over the furnace and when the fire has done enough He quenches the cruel flame.— Sel. v. 4. A man of God. One who has parted with all right in himself (1 Tim. 6 :11), one not his own but given over wholly to God (2 Tim. 3 :17 ). He was

Epileptics ...............................13 Deformed ........... -............... 3 Dwarfs ................................... 5 Hereditary Drunkards ...... 5 Healthy ................................. 9 50 Dr. R. W. Branthwaite, inspector under the Inebriates Act, has also issued a report of his investigations which shows that the last 1,291 women admitted into Inebriate Reformatories had given birth to 4,086 children. Of these, 44 per cent were dead. As to the rest, “some are in reformatories or prisons; others are in asylums; some have already come under control as drunkards; comparatively few are known to be useful members of society.” Temperate in ADD Things. Temperance ought not to be applied to intoxicating liquors alone, but to many other relations in life. We ought to have a prohibition law against cigar­ ettes as well as whiskey. A prominent chemist says: “Tobacco in any form is bad, but in a cigaret there are five poisons, 'the oil of nicotine, the oil in the paper, saltpetre to preserve the to­ bacco, opium to make it mild and the oil in the flavoring.” “Cigarettes weaken the physical strength and undermine future health. They sap the energy of nerve and brain cells. That is why athletes under training are not allowed to use them.” One prominent paper makes the fol­ lowing statement: “Tobacco is the admitted cause of upwards of eighty diseases, including blindness, and can­ cers of the lower lip and tongue, and is credited with killing 20,000 in our land every year.” Judge Ben Lindsey of Denver says, “I have been in the Juvenile Court nearly ten years, dealing with thousands of boys who have disgraced themselves and their parents, and I do not know of any one habit which is more respon­ sible for the troubles of these boys than the vile cigarette habit. 0 2 0 0

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