King's Business - 1919-11

1038 mendation with which his noble confes­ sion had been greeted, instead of mak­ ing him humble as it ought to have done, seems to have made him over confident and trustful to that very flesh and blood to which he had been assured he was in no wise indebted,)—Expos. Bible. The same words He had ad­ dressed to the tempter. (Lk. 4 :8 ). He felt in it a Satanic lure, a whisper from hell to move Him from His purpose to suffer. How quickly has the “rock” turned to the devil.—J. F. & B. Savourest not the things of Gael. To face the cross is the mind of God. To shun it is the mind of man.—Torrey. v. 24. Take up his cross. That is our cross which infinite wisdom has ap­ pointed for us and- a sovereign pro­ vidence laid upon us as fittest for us.— Henry. Memory Verse: “The man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.” John 4:50. Approach: How many of you boys and girls had your breakfast this morn­ ing? Yes, I thought you had for you look so bright and happy. I wonder if you laid awake quite PRIMARY AND a while last night BEGINNERS after going to bed, Mabel X<. Merrill and your thoughts were troubled be­ cause you were afraid that you would not have any breakfast? t Now some of you are laughing because I asked you this question. Clara why didn’t you stay awake and worry about whether you would have any breakfast this morning? Because you knew mother would give you breakfast although you had not seen it and did not even know what you were going to have. Now you see Clara and all the rest of us did not worry at all about our breakfast be- .A Father who trusted in Jesus. John 4:46-53.

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S cause we trusted and believed in mother, and knew that she would get our break­ fast for us. When we trust a person that means we believe they will do everything they promise to do, and to­ day we are to have a beautiful story about a man who trusted in Jesus. Prayer. .Lesson Story: The man our story is about lived in a lovely home with many servants to wait on him and do his bidding, for he was a ruler in the land and a rich man who lived in a fine home and had everything to ’make him happy, hut at the time we are to hear about he was very sad, :and the people and servants were talking in whispers and walking very quietly, for the son of this great man was very sick, and all his riches and doctors could not make him well. Perhaps some one in your home has been very sick and you know how you felt, and we know how this man felt for he loved the son dearly, and would give all the money he had if only the son could be well again. The father sat beside his sick boy and could see that he was growing weaker and weaker from the fever. Then some one came and told him that Jesus was in a town quite a little distance from where he lived, and this man had heard about Jesus and what a wonderful man he was, so he started at once to go to the place Where Jesus was, even though it was a long journey and would take him several days, for he was willing to go any distance if only he could get help for his boy who was now almost dead. As the father travelled along he was thinking of his dear boy at home, and that maybe he would be dead before he could get back home. The next day he came to the town where Jesus was staying and he went at once to Jesus and begged him to come down to his home and make his son well. You see this man trusted in Jesus that He could heal his boy. When the father of the

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