King's Business - 1919-11



by its appearing simultaneously to three apostles and by the conversation be­ tween Christ and the visitors.-—Dumme- low. Literally “but having kept awake.” -—Alford. v. 33. Let ns make three taber­ nacles. What wandering, delirious words, enough to make celestials smile. Well may the evangelist excuse Peter’s random words by saying “not knowing what he said.”—Expos. Bible. Those know not what they say who talk of making tabernacles on earth for glori­ fied saints in heaven.—-Henry. Not knowing what he said. Not knowing that the old was passing away and all things becoming new, not knowing that Jesus was not to die with Moses and Elias on either side but between two thieves.—Farrar. v. 34. Entered the cloud. Possibly the Shekinah or cloud of glory which was the symbol of divine presence. (Ex. 33:9; 1 Cor. 8 :10 ).—Camb. Bible. v. 35. My beloved Son. The divine formula of consecration of the Messiah as priest (Mt. 17:5), as prophet (Mt. 3 :17), as king (Ps. 2 :7 ; Acts 13:33; Heb. 1 :5 ; 5 :5 ).—Comp. Bible. Hear ye Him. All true sayings come down from heaven. If you would have the proof of His Sonship, hear His speech. There never was an infidel who quoted Christ accurately or completely. Hear Him and see if He speak not to your hearts.—rParker. If Christ is the wis­ dom of God and the power of God in the experience of those who trust and love Him, there needs no further argu­ ment of His divinity. jit ate Seeing the Beauty aud Glory of Jesus. Luke 9:28-36. Memory Verse: “His face did shine as the sun, and His garments became white as the light.” Matt. 17:2. Approach: Now I am going to ask you a hard question, but I believe some of you can answer it. Some days the

sun shines bright and warm, and then some times the sun PRIMARY AND does not shine at BEGINNERS all; what keeps the Mabel L. Merrill sun from shining every day? Yes, the clouds come in between the sun and the earth, and even though the sun is shin­ ing just the same the clouds hide it from our eyes. Now I told you this about the sun for it will help us in our wonderful story for today. Prayer. Lesson Story: Jesus and his dis­ ciples were together at the foot of a big mountain, and they had been talk­ ing over many things together, and one of the things that Jesus had told the disciples was that He was not always going to stay down here on the earth but would have to die for the sins of the people and then He would go back /to heaven to live. One day Jesus took three of the disciples and went up on the top of the mountain to hold a prayer meeting. You see Jesus prayed to God His Father even though He had such great power. (To children of primary age the names of the disciples can be given.) Peter and James and John were the disciples that Jesus took with Him, and they had a very wonderful time up on the mountain. Jesus him­ self was praying and while He was pray­ ing something very wonderful happened. His face became bright and shining like the sun, and his clothes were white and glistening. The c^sciples really saw the great beauty and glory of Jesus as He really is but you know He came down here to earth and lived in a body like us so that He could help us by living and then dying for us. Then suddenly there were two men standing with Jesus. These two men were Moses and Elijah, who had come back to this world from heaven to talk with Jesus about His dying at Jerusalem. The Bible says these two men appeared in glory. That means that they appeared in their new bodies that Jesus gives to all the people

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