King's Business - 1919-11



Let His Glory shine ftgflec ter /fcse/? / £ c /e .& n . T h e B u l b - J e s u s ' Clory ¿)ont / e t / t WÊ0. out The E le c t r ic ity - ; Tfte Holy Sp ir it Avo/it Sh o rt C/'rcu/t then Y°o too wi/// e W itnesses'of C /irist’s

cloud covered them and God spoke and told them it was His Son and to hear Him. Now we have heard Him speak to us out of the Bible, and we are -going to believe Him and trust Him like the father of the boy we heard about last week, and then some day we will see Jesus in this wonderful shining body of beauty and glory, and we that love Him are going to be like Him. O boys and girls just think how happy we should be with such a Saviour to love us, and prepare a home for us in heaven, and then give us a new and glorious body like His own. (1 Jno. 3:2.) Closing Prayer: Dear Heavenly Fa­ ther we thank thee for Jesus thy Son, and help us to love Him and serve Him every day. The ocean of His grace transcends My small horizon’s rim; And where my feeble vision ends My heart can rest in Him. In confidence I bide the tryst, His promise is for aye; He guides me still, through cloud and mist, Unto the perfect day.

who belong to Him when He takes them up to heaven to live with Him, and they looked very beautiful and glorious, as all the people in heaven look. The dis­ ciples knew that it was Moses and Eli­ jah, and they wanted to build some tents and stay on the mountain all the time and not go down any more. While they were talking, there came a bright cloud and covered them, and God’s voice spoke out of the cloud, saying, this is my beloved Son, hear Him. When the disciples heard this voice they bowed down their faces to the ground, and were greatly afraid. When they had risen up and looked around, Moses and Elijah were gone, and they saw no one except Jesus. These disciples that had seen the beauty and glory of Jesus Would always remember, and it would help them in the days when they would see Jesus suffer and die to know that He was God’s Son and that underneath the body He lived in here on earth was this wonderful beauty and glory so shin­ ing and bright. It was like the sun, it is always shining but when the clouds come in between we can not see it shin­ ing. Now just think how wonderful it was up on that mountain when the

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