King's Business - 1919-11

1052 and death of our Lord and He knew well enough when it was and had a clear and certain foresight of it, yet was so far from keeping out of the way that He then appeared most publicly of all and was most busy, knowing that His time was short.—Henry. He stead­ fastly set His face. He would have one truth sink down into their ears. (vs. 44, 22)—the absolute necessity of His atonement. All His miracles and the interest He had gotten by them could not prevent His sacrifice on the cross. —-Sum. Bible. (See Is. 50:7; Jer. 21:10; 2 Cor. 12:17).—Camb. Bible. v. 54. James and John. What won­ der that “sons of thunder” (Mk. 7:13) wished to flash lightning.—Ambrose. Command fire to come down. Christ wrought miracles in every element ex­ cept fire. Fire is reserved for the con­ summation of the age.—Bengel. The only fire that we can invoke is that of the Holy Spirit and it is remarkable that one of these two brothers lived to call down that very fire on those same villages. (Acts 8 :1 4 -2 5 ).—’-Meyer. They were right to be angry but wrong in their anger to forget mercy and to desire to destroy rather than to save sinners.—Dummelow. How delightful it is to set fire to somebody else. The Lord wants none of this spirit but rather a spirit that can weep over cities that have rejected the Son of man.^i Sel. Let us never do anything for re­ ligion which is against religion.—Til- lotson. As Ellas. They needed, as it were, a Scriptural precedent to conceal from themselves the personal impulse which really actuated them.—Farrar. You may do just the very thing Elias did and so make greater fools of your­ selves. Elias is sent when the world needs him. Son of thunder, son of con­ solation, each will be sent from heaven at the right time and be furnished with the right credentials-—Parker. We are very apt to misapply the examples of

%THE K I NG ' S B U S I N E S S good men and to think to justify our­ selves by them in the irregular liberties we give ourselves when the case is not parallel.—Henry. v. 55. Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. They learned these truths better when they had received the Holy Ghost. (Rom. 12:19; Jas. 1:19, 2-0; 3:16, 17; Jno. 3:47; 12:47). —Camb. Bible. Jesus and the Children. Luke 9:46- 48. Memory Verse: “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not/’ Luke 18:16. Approach: Before we have our story this morning I would like to find out' something from you boys and girls, and then it will help me in telling the story which is such a PRIMARY AND beautiful one. * Do BEGINNERS boys and girls ever Mabel L. Merrill show a selfish spirit and always want the best seat, or the first place in line, or do they pick the biggest apple and the biggest piece of cake? Now I know there are some big folks that show this selfish spirit, and you say boys and girls do too. Yes it is true that boys and girls do the same thing for you know some times right here in Sunday School once in a while we have seen them pout and show a selfish spirit be­ cause they could not have the seat right next to the teacher, but pretty soon they would remember that it was not nice to be selfish and then they would smile and act just like boys and girls should act that know and love Jesus. We are going to hear about a time when even the disciples of Jesus were a little selfish, and we will learn how Jesus taught them a wonderful lesson. Prayer. Lesson Story: How many of you re­ member that wonderful story we had last week telling how the disciples who were up on the mountain with Jesus

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