King's Business - 1919-11



“Lord, do you wash my feet?” Peter knew Jesus and what a wonderful per­ son He was and he felt it was not right to have Jesus wash his feet. Jesus told Peter he could not understand Why He was washing his feet now but that later on he would see what lesson Jesus was teaching them. When Jesus had fin­ ished He put on His outer garment again and then Jesus talked to them. He said, You call me Lord and Master, and that is right, for I am the Lord, and now if I, your Lord and Master have washed your feet, you should be willing to wash each other’s feet. Jesus meant by that the disciples, and all of us should always be willing to help each other and do things for each other when it was needed. Sometimes in our day you know people are proud, and Jesus wants to teach us that it is right to do any kind of work that is honest. He had showed them now, and now we can learn our memory verse. “I have given you an example.” That is, Jesus knew that the feet had to be washed and when none of them offered to do it, even though He was Jesus, the Lord, He did (Concluded bottom next page)

course there was no servant to do this, and so they would have to do it for eatfh other. Time goes on and it is al­ most time to gather around the table and yet the dusty feet were still un­ washed, and the disciples gather around the table and after they are seated something very wonderful hap­ pened. Jesus laid aside his outer, flow­ ing robe, took a basin of water and towel and began to wash the disciples’ feet. Children how do you think those men felt when they saw Jesus kneel down before them, take their dusty feet in His hands and wash them and dry them with the towel? Yes, I think they felt ashamed that they had been too proud to do this service for each other; and now Jesus, their Lord and Master, the one who made this wonderful world was willing to be a servant for them. If we could have been there and looked in wjiile the feet were being washed, I think we would have seen the disciples very quiet, and one here and there look­ ing across the table to the other. Now Jesus has come to Peter and Peter pulls his feet back, and does not want Jesus to wash his feet, for he says to Jesus,

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