THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S because He is like the Father and we, the children shall be conformed to the Father because we shall be like the Son. Shall we see Him because we are like Him? -Or shall we be like Him be cause we see Him? Is our likeness the condition or consequence of our vision? In a sense it is both. It is impossible to see God unless we are like Him, and if we see Him, His glory will be reflected from us and His likeness will be stamped upon us. We can only see clearly through eyes touched with sympathy and we gain greater power of seeing by the contemplation of love. MONDAY, Nov. 17. Luke 9:46-56. Jesus Corrects John’s Narrowness. The personal ambitions of the disci ples were in accordance with their earthly conceptions of what the king dom of Christ was to be. Jesus would have them recognize goodness wherever found and would warn them against prejudice and uncharity. He gave them an impressive object lesson more effective than any direct reproof could have been. The humility, simplicity and trustfulness of childhood form the kingdom standard. Matthew says that conversion is the only means of its at tainment. Matt. 18:3. All who work in the right spirit are one. The test of any religious system is the place it gives to Christ. The essential experi ences of Christianity are invariable and universal. Humanitarianism is no sub stitute for holiness and patriotism does not supersede piety. TUESDAY, Nov. 18. Matt. 18:1-6, iO-14. The Value of the Little Ones. Jesus was the .friend of children. He always showed especial consideration for childhood. He had no sooner come down from the mount of transfigura tion, than He cast out an evil spirit from an afflicted son at the behest of a sorrow- stricken father. He healed the son of a nobleman and raised the daughter of
1064 in the cross of Jesus Christ does not condemn but justifies the sinner. FRIDAY, Nov. 14. 2 Cor. 12:1-10. The Exceeding Greatness of the Revelatibn. Extremes are ever meeting in the Scriptures. The three disciples came down from the mount of transfiguration to a contest with demons on the plain below, Matt. 17:14. Paul was caught up to Paradise and heard unspeakable words and hard upon that glorious ex perience came the thorn in the flesh. Human nature is like a swinging pen dulum. As far as it goes in one direc tion it is bound to go in the other. Ex hilaration and depression alternate. The exceeding glory of the revelation of God in Jesus Christ is so satisfying that it is worth any price that self may have to pay or any penalty that the enemy might inflict. SATUPDAY, Nov. 15. Col. 3 :1 -11 . Christ Is All. i Christianity and Christ are exchange able terms. If Christ be taken from Christianity there is nothing left. Christ is the sum of the believer’s experience. Phil. 1:21/’ He is the beginning and the end, the author and finisher of our faith. We never get beyond Him in time or in eternity. He is the attrac tion of heaven and the cynosure of every celestial eye. Rev. 5:6. The heavenly glory of Christ belongs to eternity past as well as eternity future. John 17:5. Glory is manifested ex cellence and the glory of God always has been and always will be seen in the face of Jesus Christ. SUNDAY, Nov. 16. 1 John 3 :1 -8 , We Shall Be Like Him. .. We shall be like Him,: that is, like God in Christ. The image in which we were originally made will reach its pre destined end in the likeness of God. The Father is perfectly reeyaled in the Son,
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